Prussian love poem


Twāise etswaikstisnā en spīgelu

Ast māise ukawalna pōezija,

Adder spīs, beggi tenā iznīksta,

Kāigi māise panzdaumanin "As mīli ten".

Translated into borusse by Glabbis
Prussian love poem

Book of poetry "La Glace"
Original version
French poem

Prussian language

My love poem into an Old Prussian version (Borusse, Autonym : Prūsiskai) .... The language of Borusse people, between Vistula and Niemen. This language belongs to the western Baltic group of Indo-European languages.

It comes from a Western Baltic language, under the Germanic influence of the Goths. The dialect of East Prussia, which was practically extinct after the departure of the Germanic population, contained a base of old Prussian.

We have written traces of the old Prussian dating back to the 17th century. The existence of an old Baltic-Slavic community explains the common features between Baltic and Slavic languages.

Old Prussian is an extinct language since the end of the 17th early 18th century. All that we know comes from three catechism translations, two dictionaries, small pieces of text and a large number of names.

The first mentions of the Prussian word date from the 9th and 10th centuries, with the names of Bruzi and Borūs, one will then find in various works: Prusi, Prussi, Pruzzi, Prusy, Pruzzen.

At the beginning of the 13th century, the Prussians resisted the Polish lords who sought to submit and convert them to Christianity. At that time, the Borussians were divided into many tribes, without any real organization, and yet they did not give in. The Polish feudal lords then appealed to the knights of the Teutonic order to achieve this.

It will take the whole century for the knights who compose the order: Germans, Danes, Croats, Hungarians etc, allied with the Poles, succeed in submitting them.

Their defeat will gradually see the establishment of Polish settlers in the south, and then Germans in the conquered areas ... settlers who will push back their language, the old Prussian.

Until the 17th century, Old Prussian would hold its own with difficulty, but at the beginning of the 18th century, plague and famines will kill the last speakers.

It is in Prussia that she is hiding

Your ancestors were Baltic and Gothic, and more recently Fisons, Germans, Dutch and even French!

Yes, your genealogy shows you that in 1683, with the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes, one of your ancestors fled France to take refuge where all her descendants are now.

She is their descendant, and it is in Prussia that she hides, in the depths of a verdant countryside.

Neighboring languages
Slovak love poem - Czech love poem
Poem translated into prussian (554 translations)