Irish love poem

An scáthán

Is í do scáil ins an scáthán

An dán is breátha agam

Ach déan deifre, tá sí ag imeacht

Is é sin mo "tá grá agam duit" deireanach.

Translated into Irish by Rónán
Irish love poem

Poetry book "La Glace"
Original version
French poem

Irish Gaelic language

"La Glace" my love poem translated into the Irish Gaelic language, for a ride, in a lost moor, near a cliff, in looking at the horizon.

Irish gaelic is often known simply as Irish (variants : Gaelic Irish, Southern Irish, Donegal, Ulster, Munster-Leinster, Connacht, Gaelic, Northern Irish, Erse, Western Irish, Autonym : Gaeilge).

It is an island Celtic language, that include 1.5 million speakers, and an official language in both Ireland. Its use has been strongly encouraged by the government, and it is taught in all Irish schools.

The traditional gaelic alphabet, evolved from the roman one about the 5th century. Nowadays Gaelic is written in modern alphabet.

The Celtic languages are divided into three branches: 1 Gaulish, 2 Brittonic (Breton, Welsh, Cornish) and Gaelic (Irish, Scottish, Manx).

Around -350 the Celts arrived in Ireland, then in the 11th century it was the turn of the Vikings, then the Normans in the 12th.

From the 16th century with the arrival of the English, the Irish language continued to decline, only to be reinvigorated from the mid-20th century.

Today, Irish is the official language of the Republic of Ireland, while in Northern Ireland it is a minority language.

Irish Gaelic literature

The old Irish is known since the 5th century, with inscriptions in oghamic characters, the Latin alphabet will follow immediately after. The ancient Irish poetry is the work of professional poets the "filid".

The earliest documents of the 12th century retain many memories of Celtic mythology, Ossian's stories both poet and warrior are published in English in the 16th century.

This work will inspire Macpherson and his Ossianic poems. The filids had as their successors the bards, official poets under the princes protection. In the 16th century begins the decadence of Irish literature, a decline that will be accentuated in the 19th century.

The renaissance will come from the nationalists who found the Gaelic league in 1893.

Poem translated into irish (554 translations)