Wymysorys love poem


Dåj öebroz ym śpigl

Ej måj śynsty wjyrś.

Ok fjyder dih, bo dar öebroz wyt inda ny toüyn.

S'zåjn måj łecta wjytyn: Yh ho dih gon

Translated into Wilamowicean & voice Tymoteusz Wiktor Król
Wymysorys love poem

Book of poetry "La Glace"
Original version
French poem

The Wilamowicean

Wilamowicean love poem, in a Germanic language, perhaps derived from high German in the 12th century (it's controversial). It is the language in which the poet Florian Biesik wrote his poems.

Wymysorys (Wilamowicean, Vilamovian, autonym: wymysiöeryś; and in Polish: wymysiöeryśjęzyk wilamowski), which is the West Germanic language (Irminonic family (Elbe Germanic) with the lowest number of speakers, is the language of the city of Wilamowice in Poland (its classification remains controversial).

The Irminonic family is divided into Istvaeonic (Dutch, Afrikaans, Flemish) and Ingvaeonic (Frisian, English, Scottish and Low German).

It should nevertheless be known that for a good number of Wilamowicians (Vilamovians) their origins would be Dutch.

In Wilamowice, a town near Bielsko-Biała in Poland, there are only 70 speakers left, descendants of Dutch, Flemish, Frisian, Walloon, French Scottish and German settlers. According to legend, these settlers were part of the repopulation wave of the region that will follow the exactions of Tatares incursions.

With 70 locutors, wymysorys is therefore an endangered language.

If the wilamowicean has succeed so many time to resist to Polish and German, it's also because people of Wilamowice who speak it, during a long time only marry each other.

Traditionally, Wymysorys is a predominantly spoken language, and Polish has always been used as the written language. It was not until the middle of the 20th century, despite the ban on the use of the language, that the idea of a standard for writing began to germinate.

There are, however, some ancient texts written in wymysorys. The first writings date back to 1325. Later we find poems, songs, tales (Jacob Bukowski at the end of the 19th century) or letters, but all of course written with an unfixed spelling.

Wymysorys revitalization

Tymoteusz Wiktor Król, who made this translation and the audio, is in the center of the Wymysorys revitalization program.

Himself he provides private lessons, and with other linguists, has gathered a whole documentation on the language, folklore, customs and traditions that surround it.

It is good to be able to keep all this, because during the communist period in Poland, practicing this language like anything that could have to do with the Wilamowician cuture was forbidden.

Today if a whole young generation tries to preserve this language, there is still officially in school, no teaching program, but it is possible now that this can move rather quickly, because it is a wish which becomes the majority in the population.

Languages of Poland
Kashubian poem - Polish poem
Poem translated into wymysorys (554 translations)