Poem translated into regional languages
Poetic interpretations of my love poem translated into regional languages of Europe.
Poetry in Breton, chti, and gypsy! I have put all the women of our regions in this list.
Translations : Love poems in regional languages of europe for your bf - gf!
Audio voice: Basque, cypriot, faroese, kashubian, limburgish, occitan, venetian, wymysorys.
What is a language
Is the language of love, a regional language? And if we talk about languages!
First, what is the difference between a language and a dialect? The difference has no relationship with the linguistic, because dialects and languages have the same caracteristics. The true difference is politic. It's the history and the political will, which say that a dialect is a language.
Humans as many animals, horses, eagles etc. communicate via sounds, but this way is more developed for humans, and allow to get all the dimensions of our world, present, past, imaginary etc. Our language allows us to understand and make sentences in an indefinite number, even sentences which have never been said before (it is raining cats and dogs on the moon). we also make new words eternally, all the languages are extraordinary flexible.
Language will have emmerged around 100,000 years ago, in the east of Africa, and will have moved with the humans migrations. Actually all the human groups we know have a language.
For Saussure, language is regarded as a social product, which results from the belonging of a certain number of people to a community. If the speech, act of intelligence, represents the individual component of the language, the language results from a passive recording, it is a "treasure" deposited by the practice of speech in the subjects belonging to the same community (Sum of impressions deposited in each brain).
A language can be considered as a system of units (signs), which can not be defined as such, but only by virtue of relations of equivalence, opposition and association. We can consider a sign as a unit with two faces (the signifier or the acoustic image and the signified or concept), whose association is arbitrary.
The conception of language as a formal system of solidarity units: the idea that units are purely distinctive elements has allowed the elaboration of methods and procedures: thus the language is structured at several levels whose analysis makes it possible to classify Various types of units: phonemes, minimal phonic units, which articulate into higher order units, words or morphemes, which in turn combine to form utterances. Grammar research allows, with the help of formalized rules, to account for the infinite set of a language sentences.
Then, it is necessary to define the competence of the subjects speaking a language, a competence that constitutes a virtual system manifesting itself in performance, a set of concrete productions corresponding to speech. Chomsky pointed out that points of view diverge as for the boundary between these two notions: to account for the mechanisms by which all the grammatical sequences of a language can be constructed implies that the level of the sentence is an integral part of linguistic competence (language), and that it is not relegated solely to the realm of performance (speech) ...
I hope that you will enjoy this last sentence as a wonderful poetic moment. :-)
One property of the human languages is the principle of economy, which tends to shorten long words, to use short units, even if they are more numerous. If the length of words makes them more distinguishable, the profusion of sounds, when they are shorter, compensates this. This tendency to shorten, over time, goes to an opposite tendency to reforge new words.
Today there are around 6,500 languages still alive, and according to UNESCO, 96% of the world's languages are spoken by only 4% of the world's population; Today, everything is standardizing, and the disappearance of languages is accelerating. As things are going, the vast majority of languages will be lost at the end of this century. It is absolutely necessary to be able to save what can still be saved. I hope the two quotes below, will convince you.
"Every language that disappears means the shutting of another window with a slightly different view." Ladefoged (2004).
"Languages over time become fine-tuned to particular environmental conditions. It is language that allows people to become efficient users of the environment. But it takes time to get to know a place." Mühlhäusler (2001).