Welsh love poem
Y drych
Dy adlewyrchiad yn y drych
Yw fy ngherdd frafaf
Ond brysia, mae e ‘n treulio
Fy « rw i ‘n dy garu di » olaf ydy ef.

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Welsh language
Welsh love poem (cerdd serch) for all women of Wales.
The Welsh (Northern Welsh, Southern Welsh, Patagonian Welsh, Autonym : Cymraeg, Gymraeg) is one of the British languages, it count 700,000 speakers. I would that "la Glace" with its 4 small entangled lines, returns to the Welsh women, all the love which is in their lovely faces.
Like Gaelic, spoken in Ireland and Scotland, Welsh is one of the Celtic languages, which constitue one of the many branches of the Indo-European family.
Celtic tribes entered Britain sometime after the 5th century BC. The Anglo-Saxon invasions many centuries later drove the Welsh into the west, where they retained their Celtic speech and remained a distinctive people. The Welsh call their language Cymaraeg and their country Cymru.
Welsh is a survival of the Celtic language spoken in Britain before the Roman occupation. It remained in the mountainous regions, resistant to Anglo-Saxon invasions.
About ⅕ of Welsh people, is able to speak Welsh. If the language remains dynamic, it is because of media, newspapers, radios, tv, which broadcast programs in Welsh. Moreover, since 1993, Welsh, is with English, a language used by the administration, and the different social bodies.
We can divide the history of Welsh into four periods: The early Welsh, which goes until the 8th century, followed by the old Welsh, until the 11th, the middle Welsh until the 14th, and then the current Welsh. From the time of the old Welsh, we find traces of poems, through a versification, more and more important.
Welsh language and literature
Welsh literature begins after the departure of the Romans, and the bards sing the exploits against the Picts, the Scots, and the Saxons, the epic poem of Gododdin is attributed to the bard Aneirin. The works of these early poets are on manuscripts written in the 12-13th century.
It is in the Welsh saga that the figure of King Arthur appears. These Welsh bards were official poets at court and formed a caste. This poetry goes into decline under Edward I and literary activity takes other forms. The linguistic resurrection of the 18th and romanticism, through authors, will do rediscovey the country, but despite the support of associations Welsh literature is only in survival. The greatest Welsh writers are English-speaking: Herbert, Traherne, Powys, Machen etc.