French original version
French love poem

Poem in funny & constructed languages

Little poetic entertainments for a love poetry translated into conctructed languages.

Personally I like the sms poem. The morse, in audio is also rather cool!

Love poems in constructed languages and others for fun and give her happiness!

Audio: stutterer, esperanto, Javanese argot, morse, quenya!

The poetic art

On this page I would like to talk about poetic art.

If the poet considers reality through a chimerical idealism, composes verses or poems whatever their style, he also demonstrates poetic qualities in others ways, and I find that this page, with certain translations, shows a certain poetic art.

Poetry and poetic art also refer to three works: Aristotle's "poetics", of which I have spoken a little on the languages of Europe page, the third letter of Book 2 of Horace's Epistles, and the didactic poem Of Boileau.

This letter of Horace is also called "Epistle to the Pisons", it is dedicated to Calpurnius Pison and his sons, it is a free meditation on the writing art. Horace recommends the balance between imagination and likelihood. He paints a critical panorama of Greek and Latin literature and gives as a model the taste of the circle of Maecenas. He studies more precisely the rules proper to lyrical and dramatic poetry, and insists on the separation of genres and the moral responsibility of the poet.

Concerning the didactic poem of Boileau, it includes 4 songs. The first deals with common general rules and paints a picture of French poetry from the Middle Ages to Malherbe. The second studies secondary genres (idyll, ode, sonnet, epigram, ballad, satire etc.). The 3rd is devoted to the great genres (tragedy, comedy, epic). The 4th enacts the rules of life and character that impose themselves on the writer. Unlike Horace, Boileau wants to expound methodically his ideas about poetry, and defines the common characters to great works.

On this page, we are a long way from these works except for the word "poetic" which in different epochs takes different definitions or explanations.

The aim of the surrealist enterprise isn't it to construct a new vision of the world in which the mutilating frameworks of our civilization will be abolished. If for it poetry is above all an activity of knowledge linked to the unconscious richness, we are still far enough for this page of its definition of poetics, even if the framework is already abolished and everything since Freud is unconscious.

Poetic art, poetry are also moments, instants, that one creates, that one lives, and they can be assurely, a stammer, a luminous signal or a morse sound.

Poem translated into 554 idioms: some unusual