Breton love poem
Ar melezour
Da skeudenn er melezour
Setu ma c'haerañ barzhoneg
Met hast afo, o teuziñ 'mañ
Ma "da garan" diwezhañ eo

Other version
Ar melezour
Da skeudenn er melezour
Eo ma c'haerañ barzhoneg
Met an hini zo a-dal dezhañ
Eo da garout a ran diwezhañ!

→ French poem ←
Breton woman & language
Breton lady, now you are translated into Standard (Literary) Breton and the memory is there. Brittany and I am for, need more that what we have been able to give it. It has taught me to love cats! Since, I always have one at home and I saw how they love me. Breton or else, we are only what we are ... can we be someone else than ourselves? People only do what they can ... I learned it. They only do what they can, even when everything is absurd and when they are lucid. Life is sometimes very cruel!
These words must appear completely obscure to those who read them, but Brittany has secrets that it mixes. This translation has the taste of cider and granite, in a memory anchored like a menhir and which now escapes in dreams full of the heat of folk dances. So this love poem in Breton is for you in your traditional clothes. It is not here in the Tregor variation, which is closer from where you live, but in the literary version, based on the leonard (which is the standard) (region of the country of Leon, bro Leon)
Breton autonym : Brezhoneg, belongs to the British group of the insular Celtic. Emigrants from the southwest of the British Isles, fleeing from Saxon invaders, brought it to the 5-6th century, in Armorica (Welsh). There are 4 Breton dialects: Leonard or Leoneg in the northwest, Cornish or Kerneveg in the southwest, Trégorrois or Tregerieg near Tréguier and Côtes d'Armor and Vannetais or Gwenedeg in the Vannes region.
The leonard was chosen in the 19th century to be the literary language (north-west Low-Brittain). For centuries the use of Breton was repressed by the French government, and it was forbidden to teach it in the schools.
A recent effort to reverse this trend has met with some success. Anetwork of schools offering a bilingual curriculum has been established, with over 3,000 students. There are about 170,000 speakers for this Celtic language.
DA GARAN (DA GAROUT A RAN) = I love you - BREIZH = Brittany - KOUIGN = cake - AMANN = butter (give kouign-amann) - BARA = bread - GWIN = wine (give in french baragouiner = gibber) - HOLEN = salt - KEUZ / FOURMAJ = cheese - KIG = meat - KRAMPOUEZH = pancakes - PEBR = pepper - PESKED = fish - SISTR = cider - SUKR = sugar - DOUR = water - KER = house - BIHAN = small - MEUR = tall - KREIZ = center - CROAS = cross - DOUAR = land - RUZ = red - GLAZ = green - GWENN = white - DU = black - PENN = head - PLOU = community - NEVEZ = new - STER = river - DEMAT = hello - KENAVO = goodbye - TRUGAREZ = thank you - VAKANSOÙ MAT = happy holidays - YEC’HED MAT ! = cheers ! - SALUD TOUT AN DUD ! = hello every body ! - DEMAT D’AN HOLL ! = hello every body ! - DONEMAT E BREIZH = welcome to brittany - MATAR JEU?= It's okay?? - PENAOS ‘MAN KONT ? = How are you ? - MONT ‘RA MAT ! = things are going well ! - DISPAR / DREIST ! = great ! - DERC’HEL DA VONT. = it goes on. - PETRA EO DA ANV ? = what is your name ? - ERWAN EO MA ANV. = my name is Yves. - PIV OUT-TE ? = who are you ? - UR BANNAC’H ‘PO ? = You take a drink ? - UR BANNAC’H ‘TO ? = You take a drink ? - O, YA, GANT PLIJADUR ! = Oh, yes with pleasure ! - MAR PLIJ. = please. - PETRA’PO DA EVAN ? = what do you want to drink ? - UR BANNAC’H GWIN = some wine - UR WERENNAD CHISTR = a glass of cider. - UR VOUTAILHAD BIER = a bottle of bier - UN TAS AD KAFE = a cup of coffee - YEC’HED MAT ! = cheers ! - KOMZ A RIT BREZHONEG ? = do you speak breton ? - BRAV EO AN AMZER = it's a nice weather - KEN AR C’HENTAN ! = see you - KENAVO ! = goodbye ! - KEN AR WECH ALL ! = see you another time !
Breton literature
The first great texts of Breton literature, "grandes chroniques de Bretagne" by Alain Bouchart (1450, imp 1518), "chroniques et histoires des Bretons" by Pierre le Baud (1480, imp 1638) are in French prose. The most lively aspect of literature in Breton language is offered from the 15th century with "les Mistères".
The Breton Renaissance dates from the romantic period (19th century), it is due to the influence exercised in 1838 by the Barza-Breiz of Hersart de la Villemarqué, itself under the sign of an orthographic reform and a purification of the language, due to the grammarian Jean- François Le Gonidec (1775-1838).
The first original works are essentially poetic (Annhel, Brizeux), or of religious inspiration (Joubiouz, Wilhou, Arbouled) or epic (Souetr), but it is the priest L Inisan who is the author of the first historical novel "La Bataille de Kergidu".
At the end of the 19th, under the impetus of language specialists (Loth, Valley, Ernault) and Celtic culture (Mevem, Mordiern) who are at the origin of a new poetic current with Bertou, Jaffrenou, Garreg, Kadoret, Abgrall, whom Calloc'h dominates (Ar en Deulin). The Moal transcribes Tregorrese tales, Malmanche is dedicated to the theater.
In the 20th all genres are cultivated, lyrical poetry with Maodez Glanndour and Youenn Drezen. Later poets like Per Denez or Paol Keineg will sing in their poems, Brittany, its culture and its economic difficulties. Pierre Jakez Hélias will find a national resonance with his autobiographical and ethnological stories.
Vannetais - Leonard - Batz-sur-Mer - Scottish - Gaulish - Irish - Trégorrois - Welsh - Cornish - Manx