Italian love poem

Lo specchio

La tua immagine nello specchio

È la mia più bella poesia

Sbrigati che si cancella

È il mio ultimo ti amo !

Translated into Italian by Ann!
Qualunque sia la lingua del tuo amante, "lo specchio" è il suo riflesso!
Audio Silvia Mobili Radio capital
Italian love poem

Book of poetry "La Glace"
Original version
French poem

Italian woman

My Italian, my Bolognese, this Italian love poem (Poesia d'amore), is a translation for you ... You are my prettiest poetry. I remember Venice, Ravenna and Rimini in fiat 500, the Christmas panettone and a sublime panacotta recipe.

I know, how much, each morning, in front of your mirror, when you make-up your face, which is the most beautiful Italian love poem, you think about me!

I like, your country, which is the most magnificent in the world, and all the Italian words that you pronounce so delightfully. Your words made me melt, because another language, when it is melodious like yours, is always a music ... hitherto unknown, which ask questions about our, the only one we know, and which has shaped our neurons.

She transforms us this music. We should be different if the only change in our life was the language. Other, because of music, because of certainties brought by different concepts.

Bologna is in the past! Like words flowing and evaporating, life follows the paths it can! It is always on the most difficult parts of this road, that we leave our tracks. Our soles, like a red hot iron, sink where are the most comfortable places, the most sodden, flooded with flood. That's most often our deepest memory brands. Why, do you asked me? The answer is in the word learning. Does memory have any other function than to be an act of learning?

In any case, with you, the road was dry and clear ... and these dry and clear roads, when before and after, in our life, the tornados make the law, one remembers it, believe me! Memory learns everything from the game of the possibilities it encounters.

All this is of the past! Another pretty Italian woman, will she one day cross my path? I shall love it! I shall love so much with her, remake the world in front of a good cappuccino!

Italian language & literature

Italian, the official language of Italy is spoken in many other countries by nearly 65 million people. It is a Romance language based on the dialect of Tuscany.

After the birth of literature in the vernacular language, by the masterpieces of Dante and Petrarch, it is to poetry that a hegemonic function is assigned to the genesis of the Italian literary language. The prose in the vulgar language will know a process of unification much slower.

The vulgar for the first time, to the detriment of Latin, is elevated to the dignity of literary language in the "song of the creatures" of St. Francis of Assisi. In the 13th century, born the first Italian poetic school, it will be pursued around Dante by a group of young Florentine and Tuscan poets. Most of these poets will write poems inspired by the most refined precepts of the dolce stil nuovo. The religious poetry will be also flourish.

In the 15th century the death of Boccaccio is felt as the end of an epoch. The poems of Laurent de Medicis borrow widely from the popular repertory.

The 16th century is the century of the Renaissance with Machiavelli, the lyric poets remain subjected to the petrarchical models, and the epic poets remain in the tyranny of rules, Arioste compose "Roland furious", the poetic masterpiece of the century. At the "Questione della lingua" (question of language), the Venetian humanist Pietro Bembo, will support the Tuscan archaic model.

This old model that will be adopted gave to the Italian its very conservative side, that other languages do not have. Florentine texts of the 13th century, can be read without much difficulty by an Italian of our time. If the Italian imposed by the literature, it was very long to impose in the population because it remained inaccessible to all those who could not read. More recently, 2005, studies show that still half of Italians prefer to use their dialect.

In the 17th century, the baroque poetry is identified to Marino and his amazement. In the 19th century Italy importe the romantism. The two greatest Italian poets of this century are Foscolo and Leopardi.

The 20th its Pirandello, Moravia and Elsa Morante who express existential motivations with a linguistic experimentation. Modern Italian poetry bears witness to the same demand for formal renewal. Calvino conjugate dream and fantasy, closer to us are Umberto Eco and Alessandro Baricco.

Poem translated into Italian (554 languages)