Norwegian love poem


Ditt speilbilde i speilet

Er mitt vakreste dikt

Men raskt forsvinner det

Det er mitt siste Jeg elsker deg

Translated into Bokmål by Dadude
Audio Daniel Drages et Radio Norge
Norwegian love poem

Book of poetry "La Glace"
Original version
French poem

Nordic woman and Bokmal

Norwegian love poem, a Bokmål (Kjærlighetsdikt), translated for all the Norwegians women. The Bokmål is an official written standard for the Norwegian language, it orthography has name Riksmål. Daughter of cold and frozen landscapes, this Norwegian (Bokmål, Riksmål) i offer it to you. It is Norwegian by the golden color of your hair and the spring of your youth ... But when will you tell me I love you?

The Bokmal (language of the books), which is one of the two forms of Norwegian comes from Danish, during the union of the two countries (17-18th). It is mostly spoken in the eastern and northern parts of Norway. It becomes the dominant language spoken by 90% of Norwegians, 4.5 million people. Its other name is Danish-Norwegian or riksmal. It is still used by most newspapers, radios and television. Attemps to combine Bokmal and Nynorsk into samnorsk (common Norwegian) have thus far been unsuccessful.

In Norway, there are numerous dialectal variants, for the spoken language, while Bokmal and Nynorsk are two written standards, that people choose according to their spoken dialect. During Danish domination, in Norway it was Danish which was the written language. It was only with the rise of nationalism, during the 19th century, that a came a Danish-Norwegian, evolving to the current Bokmal, and another norm based on dialects, which evolved to Nynorsk.

History of Bokmål literature

Iceland, which was colonized by Norwegians, became the specialist of medieval Scandinavian letters, runic stones or historical motifs, indicating that an eddic, mythological and heroic background was already well known in Norway; And if the Icelanders finally had the prerogative of scalic poetry, they had Norwegian emulators like Hvinverski, Hornklofi and Skaldaspillir.

The Middle Ages marks the blossoming of various literary genres such as an interesting hagiographic literature and a movement of translations of courteous works. The draumkvaede (dream poem) remains a masterpiece of the visionary literature. The attachment of Norway to Denmark in the 14th century marked a literary drying up.

It is necessary to await the reform to get aspirations to originality in the topographical (the trumpet of Nordland), but it is still in Danish that writes Holberg. A national consciousness emerges with the talented satirical poet Johan Wessel. Two great poets of opposing ideas will mark this revival (Wergeland, Welhaven). The poet Landstad brings an essential collaboration to the development of aNorwegian literary.

In the 19th a new literary orientation takes shape which under diverse foreign influences will leave Romanticism for a more realistic writing and will impose Norway on the European literary scene With Henrik Ibsen. The kick-off will have been given by Camilla Collett author of the first great Norwegian psychological novel. The movement paving the way to psychological novels, epic poetry (Arne Garborg), is launched.

In the 20th century the Norwegian poets Nils Collett Vogt, Vilhelm Krag and Sigbjorn Obstfelder will describe the human psyche. The master of the genre, in his novels, will be Knut Hamsun (nobel prize) with "hunger" and "vagabonds". The poet Arnulf Overland will make us meditate on the present world. The taste for action will inspire the poet Nordahl Grieg. In poetry modernism is represented by Stein Mehren and Rolf Jacobsen. Other poets such as Tor Obrestad, Jan Erik Vold, and Einar Okland explore the possibilities of language.

Including the poets of the neo-Renaissance, Amljot Eggen, Sigmund Skard and Hans Borli Arnljot Eidslott, who alternate a traditional and a free poetry. In addition to great poets such as Caes Gill and Tot jonsson, 20th reveal several writers who accuse the backlash of existentialism.

Nynorsk - Danish - Icelandic - Swedish - Faroese
Poem translated into Bokmal (554 languages)