Romanian love poem
Chipul tau in oglinda
E poezia mea cea mai frumoasa
Dar repede, el se stinge
E ultimul meu Te Iubesc !

Other version
Imaginea ta în oglinda
Este cel mai frumos poem
Dar priveste repede ea dispare
Este ultimul meu te iubesc

→ French poem ←
Romanian woman & language
Romanian apparition with this love poem (dragoste poezie) from Romania. These little four lines in Romanian have the gift of your reflections. It upsets, and pierces you, in penetrating the total screen of your girl creams. It has the tanned complexion of your daily happiness. Words follow you, and find you, some fly away in your thoughts, and in their turn they draw me! You are the Romanian appearance of my love poetry.
Come to put on my skin, a few of your body milks. Only you, know how much i need it!
The Romanian language is the national language of Romania, it is essentially Latin with some borrowings from Thracian and Slavic languages. Romanian is also the national language of Moldova. 24 million Romanians will understand my call!
Romanian descends from Eastern Latin, spoken by soldiers and colonizers at the time of Emperor Trajan in the very beginning of the Christian era. Latin will have assimilated the local idioms after the departure of the Romans. The strongest influences will be those of the Dacians, Thracians and Illyrians, who inhabited this region. The longest influence will be that of the Slavs having traveled the territory of present Romania until the appearance of the Rumanian population. It should be noted the little or absence of traces of Goths, Huns, Gepids, Avars.
The old Romanian perhaps in the 10th century, will begin to divide into 4 dialects evolving towards languages. The principal, the Daco-Romanian, spoken in the north of the Danube will become the language now called "Romanian". The second one, the Macedo Romanian, is currently spoken in southern Bulgaria, Macedonia, Albania, and northern Greece. The Megleno Romanianis is spoken in the southeastern Macedonia, northern Greece. As for istro Romanian, it's in Istria (Croatia), that one finds it.
History of Romanian literature
It is at the beginning of the 16th century., that the first publications are found in the Romanian national language, Neacsu (Campulung). If some texts are written with the Latin alphabet, the norm of this time is Cyrillic.
In the second half of the 19th century, Mihai Eminescu, Ion Creanga, and Ion Luca Cara giale put the Romanian poetry at its highest peaks. The Romanian poets Lucian Blage, B. Fundoianu, Ion Pillat, Aron Costrus, Tudoor Arghezi, Ion Barbu, innovate in sensitivity and lyrical expression; The avant-garde poetry, is represented by Tristan Tzara, Ion Vinea and Ilarie Voronca.
The period before the war has also saw the beginnings of writers Mircea Eliade, Eugene Ionesco and Emil Cioran. As for the Romanian poets, since 1968 they want to be independent of any dogmatism. There are: Stefan Augustin Doinas, Leonid Dimov, Mircea Ivanescu Constanta Buzea.