Lithuanian love poem
Tavo atvaizdas veidrodyje,
Yra gražiausios mano eilės.
Bet paskubėk, nes jos dingsta,
Kaip mano paskutinis "Aš tave myliu".
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The Lithuanian language
Lithuanian love poem (meilės eilėraštis) for all women of the Baltic. They know where go the words when they touch them. Their heart is not of stone, and the coldness of hard winters has never been able to take away their heat. This Lithuanian poem is the mirror of a former Soviet province.
The Lithuanian (name variants, and dialects: Litauische, Lowland Lithuanian, Dzukiskai, Lietuviu, Suvalkietiskai, Zemaitiskai, Aukstaitiskai, Samogitian, Litovskiy, Highland Lithuanian, Aukshtaichiai, Dzukish, Shamaitish, Zemachiai, Lietuvi, Aukshtaitish, Lietuviskai, Zemaitis, Zhemaitish, Litewski, Autonym : Lietuviškai, Lietuvių kalba) is an Eastern Baltic language.
This language which count 3 million speakers, is the national language of Lithuania.
Lithuanian is divided into two main dialects, the east dialect will give the modern Lithuanian.
It's perhaps the oldest of all the modern Indo-European languages, it has been said that the speech of a Lithuanian peasant is the closest thing existing today to the speech of the original Indo-Europeans.
It also bears certain remarkable similarities to Sanskrit, the progenitor of the modern indic languages.
Lithuania is the most southerly and the most populous of the Baltic states. After being annexed by Soviet Russia it recovered its independence in 1990. Its language is written in Latin alphabet.
History of Lithuanian literature
Despite the richness of its oral poetry, Lithuania will have during a long time, only a court literature in Latin and Polish.
With the reform appears a written literature, first religious, then profane.
The union with Russia and the influence of its intellectuals arouse a cultural and democratic awakening expressed in the poetry hostile to the serfdom of Antanas Strazdas and D. Oska, culminating in the poetic work of the Lithuanian poet Atanas Baranauskas with "Anyksciai Wood".
Around 1890 it is the emergence of the great poet Maironis and a circle of democrat writers who challenged Romanticism in the name of a realistic aesthetic present in Zemaite's novels and which, despite the seduction exercised by the symbolism of Jurgis Baltrusaitis, will affirm in the novel of Lazdynu-Peléda, in the accounts of Biliunas and in the poetry of Janonis.
Independence (1919) favor the influence of the West, the prose writer Piatras Cvirka, the Lithuanian poets Antonas Venclova, Kazys Boruta, Salomeya Néris, rally to their criticism of the bourgeois society some authors initially uncommitted (Mykolaitis-Putinas, Vienuolis-jukanskas).
They will be the pioneers of a new heroic literature, which will evolve towards a new problematic of the society and the individual. Poetry will rediscover formal research.
Latvian poem