Spanish love poem

El espejo

Tu imagen en el espejo

Es mi más bello poema

Pero date prisa, se borra

¡Es mi último "te amo"!

Translated into Spanish by Gwenael!
¡Cualquiera que sea el lenguage de tu enamorada, el espejo es su reflejo!
Audio Maria Luisa León & Guillermo (Castile)
Audio Ligia (Colombia) & Juan Neri Dionicio (Mexico)
Spanish love poem

Book of poetry "La Glace"
Original version
French poem

Spanish woman

Carmen, your Iberian mirror suits you so well! Never forget the Spanish love poem (Poema de amor) that it sends you back every day. And you, never forget this charming poem for a beauty beyond the Pyrenees. Is she 30, 40, 50, 60 or 70 years old? No matter, she is ageless, wrinkles do not reach it. Its reflection defies eternity. And she whispers: "Nothing is better than the magic of a sheet of paper! I can assure you, yours will never yellow."

But where is my Spanish girl? Where does she live? And above all, when will she find, with my little sheet, blackened for her, with a score of words? For now you re-read Don Quixote, your bedside book, and an anthology that brings together the most beautiful love poems written by the Spanish poets.

Perhaps its because of you that one day I will start writing. Inside me, there are so many pages to drop somewhere. And as I did with these 4 verses, all these pages, I will one day have to condense them, convert them from millions to hundreds. It's hard to start. Every day I push back, and yet I have the idea, an idea never invented. But if to write the 4 lines you just read, there was just to invent, to imagine something that had never been done, to assemble thousands, you need the talent. Tavail and talent, are two synonymous words, did you know? Talent is a long learning.

All this modern "art" around us, which is ecstatic in front of a toilet lid placed on the floor, if it is modern, there is nothing artistic in it? yes! nothing! It is an absolute nothingness, and if it is for 99,99% without any imagination, it is always without talent.

Teaching teaches only one thing: that nothing must be taught. A true creation in most cases needs the talent that carries it. And then, this "pseudo modern art", to vomit, carries in it something totalitarian. it would like to impose to love this shirt all spotted with dog poop, on the stupid pretext, of the absurd novel, which goes with it ... To impose that this novel is that of dog poop, and that those who do not like it, are only idiots!

There is ar book that I could quote, but I would like to read it again before talking about it.

History of Spanish literature

Spanish or Castilian, is the language of 580 million people, it is the third most spoken language, it is an ibero-Roman language that is found on all the continents, it is the national language of Spain and of many countries in South America.

Spanish is from Latin vulgar. This speech underwent profound Germanic influences (Wisigothic period), then Arab influences for 8 centuries. The Castilian dialect will gradually become the predominant and literary language.

The Romans arrived in Spain with the Punic Wars (-250). The languages of the Iberian Peninsula will begin to acquire their peculiar indentities in the 13th century.

1492 announces the beginning of the golden age for Spain (literary boom and expansion). Colomb discovers America, but the Spanish language which will settle on this continent, will be that of the first settlers, who were not Castilians, but for most of them, Andalusians.

The first texts are in Arabic type and sometimes end with Arabic or Hebrew poems. In the 12th century, it is the true beginning of Spanish literature with the poem of the Cid. Gonzalo de Berceo is the first author whose name has come down to us, he is the patriarch of the Castilian poetry. The medieval poetry of Spain is often inspired by French productions and sometimes by Arabic themes. Lyric poetry, influenced by the Occitan poetry, is written in Gallic.

The "libro de buen amor" is the masterpiece of the 14th century. The end of the Middle Ages sees anonymous Spanish poems in octosyllabic verses; This lyrical poetry treats all subjects. All these poems constitute one of the most original monuments of the Spanish literature: The Romancero will mark deeply 2 centuries.

The 16th and 17th centuries mark a period called "the gold century" which opens with the pastoral poetry of Garcilaso de la Vega. The lyric poetry is illustrated by Luis de Leon. At this period appeared the mystical poetry of St. John of the Cross, and Cervantes produce his work. Luis de Gongora has two ways to write verses, the second which is called "gongorism", give birth to the "cultisme". This well-debated Spanish poet, today, is revered as a forerunner. The poems of St John of the Cross inspired by the hymn of hymns appear as a mystical poetry.

The 18-19th is not really poetic except for a true poet, Melendez Valdes. Poets of the 19th century are most often playwrights; Already renowned by his poetry Jose Zorrilla knows the success with "Don Juan Tenorio". Ruben Dario a poet from Nicaragua will have a considerable influence on the Spanish lyrics. He eclipses the poets Ramon de Campoamor and Gaspar Nunez de Arce.

The 20th century is a great century for poetry with a pleiad of poets whose success overflows the frontiers; Antonio Machado, Federico Garcia Lorca, Juan Ramon Jimenez, Gerardo Diego, Pedro Salinas and Rafael Alberti who put his poetry at the people service. Poets mingle with a passionate love of their country a great concern for formal research. The poetry of the new generation reconquered the values of the imagination and sensuality.

Poem translated into Spanish (554 languages)