Bulgarian love poem


Твоят образ в огледалото

Това е най красивото ми стихотворение

Но побързай изтрива се

Това е последното ми обичам те !

Translated into Bulgarian by Albyx & Rossita
Audio voice Milka
Bulgarian love poem



Tvoyat obraz v ogledaloto

Tova e nay krasivoto mi stihotvorenie

No pobarzay iztriva se

Tova e poslednoto mi obicham te !

Book of poetry "La Glace"
Original version
French poem

Bulgarian girl & language

Your Bulgarian taste gives to this poem translation, the beauty of the sun. Your charm is in the heart of men, and this love poem (Любовна поема) translated into Bulgarian is their prettier memory.

There is more than the beauty of the sun in this translation of my poem in Bulgarian, there is its shadow, full of light. Without ever seeing you, i have dreamed you, even more beautiful than dreams permit.

You exist for sure, and your country is certainly Bulgaria. Some have already seen you! You are the only one. They certainly saw you, but without seeing you, because, what do they understand about you?

Bulgarian български (Balgarski), the national language of Bulgaria is the language of 8 million people, it is a Southern Slavic language. It is found in Ukraine, Greece, Romania, Turkey etc.

Bulgarian is with Serbian, Slovene and Macedonian, a South Slavic language, which shares common features with the Balkans languages (Romanian, Greek, Albanian). East and West form two dialect areas, the standard is based on the northeastern dialect.

History of Bulgarian literature

Bulgarian literature is born in the 9th century, John the Exarch is undoubtedly the most important writer of this period. After stagnating under the Byzantine occupation, it knows a new apogee with the second Bulgarian empire. Under the Ottoman occupation, literature follows only a hagiographic and compilatory tradition.

1762, with the "Bulgarian Slavic Hitory" of the monk Paisij, marks the beginning of the Bulgarian revival. In 1861 the very rich popular literature, composed in particular of songs, is united by the brothers Miladinov. D. Cintulov compose patriotic, anti-Turkish poems, but the greatest writer of this epoch is undoubtedly the revolutionary poet Hristo Botev, killed by the Turks as he tried to liberate his country and who will write some magnificent Bulgarian poems.

From 1878, literature gaines a considerable momentum with the novelist and poet Ivan Vazov, his novel "under the yoke" remains the masterpiece of Bulgarian literature, as well as the Bulgarian poets Penco Slavejkov, Pejo Javorov, Kiril Hristov, Dimco Debeljanov and Teodor Trajanov who incarnate in their poems the Bulgarian symbolist, or for the idealistic current; Hristo Smirnenski, Geo Mulev and Nikola Vapcarov who draw from the sources of realism; And the poetess Elisaveta Bagrjana and Dora Gabe.

After the Second World War, the Bulgarian literature is influenced by the Russian and Soviet literature. It celebrate the cult of the hero. After 1956, it take a more humanistic and individual turn, analyzing the psychological behavior and the internal conflicts. (Jordan Radickov, Kamen Kalcev).

South Slavic languages
Slovenian - Macedonian - Croatian - Serbian - Bosnian
Poem translated into Bulgarian (554 languages)