Swedish love poem


Din spegelbild

Det är min vackraste dikt

Men så fort den försvinner

Det är mitt sista "Jag älskar dig"

Translated into Swedish by Inel
Poem voiced by A. Hultman Stockholms närradioförening
Swedish love poem

Poetry book "La Glace"
Original version
French poem

Swedish woman and Swedish

Blonde Scandinavian lady, this Swedish love poem (kärleksdikt) is for you. One day the blondness of your hair will come until to me, as this Swedish poem with its magical reflections, goes to you. For now you are struggling with the snow that falls with big flakes around you. You like the snow that envelops you, but you will prefer two arms which are waiting for you.

Swedish is an Eastern Scandinavian language spoken by 10 million people in the both countries where it is an official language, Sweden of course, and Finland. It is the most widely spoken of the Scandinavian languages. Historically based on Danish, but because of the hegemony of Swedish over Norway brought the two languages closer together.

The first period in the history of Swedish, at the end of the common nordic (1000) is known by runnic inscriptions. In the 15th century, we are witnessing the unification of the written language based on the Stockholm region dialects.

Swedish with Norwegian, Danish, Icelandic and Faroese, is part of the northern branch of Germanic languages. This branch can be divided into two groups, West and East, West for Danish and Swedish, and East for the 3 other languages. It is considered that 1526, marks the beginning of modern Swedish, with the independence of the country. The first language written in runatural characters on stones, will be then written on parchments in roman letters by missionaries (13th century). The Swedish alphabet is composed of 28 letters including 18 vowels.

History of Swedish literature

In the 17th century after the 30-year war Sweden get a national literature. After Lars Wivallius and his poems about nature, Georg Stiernhielm presents himself as the father of Swedish poetry. His followers include Samuel Columbus. The songs to drink and love of Lasse Johansson Lucidor announce the baroque; Those of Johan Runius are distinguished by the virtuosity of the language.

In the 18th Carl Mickael Bellman who puts into music his own compositions remains the greatest poet of that time "the epistles of Fedman". The romanticism of the 19th century hatched in the university towns, led by the poet Erik Gustaf Geijer, it does not mean a complete break with classicism. It is found with Johan Olof Wallin, Esaias Tegner, the most brilliant of the Swedish romantics, and Erik Johan Stagnelius the very type of the accursed poet. Viktor Rydberg, poet and novelist, marks the transition to naturalism. Carl Johan Gustaf Snoilsky represents Parnassian poetry.

In the 20th, it is aestheticism and exoticism, with the nobel prize Verner von Heidenstam, and the poets Oscar Levertin, Erik Axel Karlfeldt (nobel prize), and especially Gustaf Froding. Traditions revive in the work of Selma Lagerlof (nobel prize), and with the Swedish poet Ola Hansson. The poet Bo Bergman is interested in ethical issues. Then, follow a period of bourgeois realism with the poets Anders Osterling, Gunnar Mascol Silfverstolpe, Vilhelm Ekelund. At the same time a proletarian literature born, with the poet Dan Andersson, and the two nobel prizes Jan Fridegard and Vilhelm Moberg, or with the poet Harry Martinson. The poetry of anxiety is represented by Bertil Malmberg and Par Lagerkvist (nobel prize).

After the Second World War a new Swedish poetry appears under the sign of modernism with Karl Vennberg and Erik Lindegren, the poets are Surrealist. If social problems continue to haunt the poets Key-Aberg, Forsell, Salomonson, Goran Printz-Pahlson advocates the "metapoetry". Then it's the birth of social masterpieces, as in the poems of Goran Palm, Goran Sonnevi et Tobias Berggren. The poets of the concretism, Reutersward and Johnson, make the word as a raw material. As for Fiberg, Tunstom and Harding, they return to the myths and symbols.

Sweden is the largest and most populous country of the Scandinavian countries. The high plateau in the north is opposed to the southern part, extension of the fertile plains of Denmark and Germany.

Nynorsk - Bokmal - Icelandic - Danish - Faroese
Poem translated into Swedish (555 languages)