English love poem
The mirror
Your image in the mirror
Is my most beautiful poem
But be quick it disappears
It's my last "I love you"!
Whatever is your lover's language, "La glace" is her mirror!
Two other versions
Your reflection in the mirror
Is my most beautiful poem
But be fast as it fades
It is my last I love you then!
Your reflection in the mirror
Is my most beautiful poem
But hurry as it's disappearing
That is my last "I love you"!
→ French poem ←
English woman & language
This translation into English of my love poem was of course essential. Even if it loses rhythm and rhyme, it keep all the meaning of the mirror effect. This is an English and an international translation, i see it every day flying to a new destination! Isn't HER! with my poem in English the most beautiful translation of love.
A lot of translations that you will find on my website, have been made from this English version. I translated first the second line by "it's my best poetry", but my "most beautiful poem" was closest to French original. So you will find some translations from "my best poetry" instead "my most beautiful poem".
What is more universal than an English love poem, if not the one to whom it is addressed and which is in every heart! One day she will recognize herself!
After Chinese it is the most spoken language, we speak English on all continents, it is a language of international exchange.
Some linguists said that the middle English underwent partial creolization under Norse and French influences, in keeping an essentially Germanic grammatical structure making it a semi-creole. I think that the most important to keep in mind, is that every language get influences, and that a language is always living.
So this Anglo-Frisian language was greatly influenced by the French of William the Conqueror epoch.
Around 500, the Germanic dialects of the Angles, Saxons and Jutes will gradually replace Celtic languages and Latin. Old English (Anglo-Saxon), appears in this period and will be significantly modified during the Norman Conquest (1066). One stopps to compose in English, which is stripped of prestige, and serves only for oral communication. Until 1500 it is the period of Middle English. Anglo-Norman is the language of the administration, justice, the court and cultivated circles, the Latin is for the church and the Anglo-Saxon for people.
The reduction of English to the status of language of lesser prestige did not end until the 14th century, while the dialect, that of London, which will become the standard norm emerged (1362, English language of justice). In fact, we will have to wait until the 16th century, to see English prevail in the courts and begin to standardize its writing. From 1500 to 1700 it is the first period of modern English, the pronunciation is transformed and one borrows massively to Greek and Latin, through French. (Newton plublishes in Latin 1687). From 1700 it is the beginning of a true standardization and fixation of the language with grammars and dictionaries.
American literature
During the colonial era there are mostly Memoirs and narratives due to the emigrated Englishmen (John Smith, Roger Williams). It is the religious that inspire the poet Anne Dudley Bradstreet, and Michael Wigglesworth. It is Benjamin Franklin who will help to broaden the field of thought. In 1807 Joel Barlow gives the final version of his poem "The Columbiad".
In the 19th century, literature become national. William Cullen Bryant, Richard Henry Dana, are the first notable poets. The poets H. W. Longfellow, John Greenleaf Whittier, Oliver Wendell Holmes give to their works a moralistic and sentimental tone. More original are the poetic work of Emerson and especially of E. A. Poe, "the raven" author, but it is still more with his "extraordinary stories" (translated by the French poet Baudelaire), that he owes his success in Europe. Nathaniel Hawthorne "the scarlet letter", and Herman Melville "Moby Dick", testify to the pessimism that will mark so many works of the American literature.
The great poet Walt Whitman in his poem "leaves of grass" rejects rhyme and cadence. Emily Dickinson writes short and accurate poems that announce "Imagism". In this time is written "Uncle Tom's Cabin", Mark Twain becomes a great popular writer. Later, Henry James criticizes the society of his time in a psychological realism that takes him away from the realism of a Theodore Dreiser. Scott Fitzgerald is the ruthless witness of his time. John Dos passos, William Falkner and Ernest Hemingway remain the most prestigious creators of a literature emphasizing the despairing aspect of human existence.
John Steinbeck, Truman Capote still enrich this area. Edith Wharton, Pearl Buck, Margaret Mitchell get worldwide successes. The american poetry includes creators, with E. A. Robinson, Edgar Lee Masters and Vachel Lindsay, who advocate a true and direct poetry. Robert Frost is the greatest representative of this poetry. Carl Sandburg is in the line of Whitman. Imagists are Ezra Pound, and Hart Crane. Robinson Jeffers is a solitary and tragic figure of the American poetry. T. S. Eliot is an intellectualist poet, naturalized English.
In the 20th century, the civilization of abundance provokes the revolt of poets like James Agee, Karl Shapiro, Randall Jarrell, Peter Viereck. The projective poetry of Charles Olson, as well as those of William Burroughs and Jack Kerouac discusses about new philosophies. The poet Snodgrass speaks about the contradictions of man. The poetic novels of Anais Nin, who claims to be "the sickest of Breton's disciples", experiment the disorder of senses and writing. Norman Mailer searches for calculated symbolic displacement.
The United Kingdom the country of origin of English, the first power in the 19th century, even if it lost its important colonial empire in the 20th century, this one retained the English language, which explains the number of locutors. The United States English-speaking country and first world power in the 20th century, have strengthened its importance on a global scale. English is nowadays essential and my poem must have been translated into that language.