Serbian love poem
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Serbian women & language
A little Serbian love poem (љубавна песма) built, as a "I love you"! Lovers of the whole world will understand this Serbian poem until the last word ... They all speak the same language. You speak them all, and for that you do not need words. A smile a frown, movements tell you everything.
Serbian (Serbian, Bosnian, Montenegrin, Serbo-Croatian, Shtokavski, Stokavian, Torlakian, Autonym : српски језик = srpski jezik), is a southern Slavic language, spoken by about 10 million people, written with the Cyrillic alphabet.
After the first world war, the collapse of the Austrian and Ottoman empires, will see the formation of Yugoslavia on the basis of a linguistic unit associating Serb, Bosnian, Croat and Sloven.
After 1995 and the wars that will lead to the break-up of Yugoslavia into separate states, the language usually called Serbo-Croatian will take different names, depending of the people who speak it (Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian) .. traces of these recent wars exacerbating an already strong identity.
History of Serbian literature
Of the former Yugoslavia, Serb are the only ones to possess a medieval literature. Poetry appears at the end of the 14th century, but remains an ephemeral genre (Jefimija, Stefan the High).
Vuk Karadzic succeed to impose the spoken language as the literary language in the 19th century. It collects the works of the oral literature. These poems have as a common way their patriotic faith imprinted with mysticism. The poetics of oral songs will strongly influence the romantic writers. Sima Milutinovic uses a poetic writing that is often obscure.
The greatest poet of the 19th century Pierre Petrovic Njegos succeeds in the synthesis of the oral poetry in an original work. Then follow the romantics, like Branko Radicevic whose publication of the "Poems" is praised. S. Miletic, J. Jovanovic, Djura Jaksic and Laza Kostic announce the turning point of the Serbian poetry towards modernity. The Serbian poet Jovan Sterija Popovic write famous manners comedies. The poems of Subotic and Musicki are very successful.
In the 20th century. Jovan Skerlic and B. Popovic give new impetus to Serbian poetry. Previously, only Kostic and Ilic had attempted a renewal of themes and prosody. When appear the surrealist trend with Vuco, Ristic, Dedinac, Crnjanski create a style in his poems which remain one of the most original. D. Maksimovic expresses himself in a traditional poetry.
In Minderovic's poems it is the exaltation of the struggle that dominates. Then the realism comes in poetry, and the shivering work of B. Milijkovic makes him the symbol of poetic commitment. J. Lalic writes a classical poetry, the Serbian poet S. Raickovic cultivates lyricism, while M. Pavlovic and V. Popa use the double legacy of folklore and surrealism.
In 1995 it is the end of the former Yugoslavia created in 1945 and its collapse. It is in the north of Serbia that there are vast fertile plains which are the granary of the country. The South is mountainous with in the west the Kosovo and in the east the mountain range of Mount Balkan.