Ossetian love poem
Кæсын æз айдæны дæ хуызмæ
Уый у мæ кадæг 'мæ мæ зард
Фæлæ æрбайсæфы æнусмæ
Мæ фæстаг "Уарзын дæ", мæ цард!
A romanization
Kæshyn æzh aidæny dæ khuyzhmæ
Uyj u mæ kadag ‘mæ mæ zhard
Fælæ ærbajshafy ænushmæ
Mæ fæstag “Uarzhyn dæ”, mæ tsard!
→ French poem ←
Ossetian language
A new version, for an Ossetian love poem (iron, Ossetic, Digor, Digorian, Digoron, Dogor, Iron, Kudar, Osetin, Ossete, South Osetin, Autonym : ирон æвзаг, iron ævzag) a language which commes from the language of the Scythians and Sarmatians of the antiquity.
Ossetian, is a language of the Iranian group, spoken in Ossetia by 500,000 speakers, divided into two, iron (literary Ossetian) and digor, it retains archaic features of the ancient Iranian.
Ossetic which is an official language in the two republics of Ossetia, uses a particular letter æ, it is found in the Ossetian "I love you" "Уарзын дæ". It is an Iranian language, the only one of any consequence spoken in the Caucasus.
Separated from other Iranian-speaking peoples for nearly 2,000 years, the language of Ossetians has been of course strongly influenced by the nearby Slavic and Caucasian languages.
In the Middle Iranian period, the Alanic language group probably included close relatives of the Ossetian ancestor. It is thought that these languages were spoken towards -400,
You will tell Her "I love You" like this: "дæ уарзын".
The Ossetian literature
The first document in Ossetian that we know, is a catechism (late 18th). "Iron Ævzagaxur" by Andreas Sjogr (1844) is the first "grammar".
Vsevolod Miller in the 1900s will write the tales of Nart, which were told from generation to generation by troubadours. These tales are really the purest of the national identification. The French Dumezil (linguist, historian and anthropologist) will translate them.
After to have written the oral tradition, during the 19th century, a poetry movement will be developed, its zenith will be with the poet Xetægkaty Kosta.
To write the language, one will use the scripts Georgian, Latin, and Cyrillic, this later will become the norm in 1939.
The Ossetians (osses) are believed to be descended from the Alans (Alani), Iranians nomads, who migrated to the region in the Middle Ages.