Rusyn love poem
Твüй образ у дзиркалі
То мüй майфайный вüрш
Пилуйся, вüн пропадать
"Я тя люблю!" не вповім бüльш
Twüj obraz u dzirkałі
To müj majfajnыj würsz
Piłujsia, wün propadat
"Ja tia lublu!" ne wpowіm bülsz
→ French poem ←
Rusyn language
Translation of my love poem into modern Ruthenian (Rusyn, Lemko, Carpathian, Lemkovschina, Ruthenian, Rusynski, Carpatho-Rusyn, autonym : русиньскый язык (Rusynska mova)).
Ancient Ruthenian is the ancestor of Belarusian, Ukrainian and Rusyn. This living East Slavic language is considered by some to be a dialect of Ukrainian. Ruthenian, is also the name given in the past to Ukrainian that was spoken in Galicia, Bucovina and Hungary.
Today, there are several dialects of Rusyn, modern Ruthenian, and 60,000 speakers distributed in Poland, Romania, Hungary, and Slovakia among others, and in Ukraine (countries where the Ruthenians are the most numerous - 3/4), exactly in the present-day Transcarpathia region, historically the Lower Carpathians.
The desire to find a standard in Rusyn, dates back several centuries, but has often come up against the question of Rusyn's national identity (Are the Rusyns, Russians, Ukrainians, or Slavs?) ... An identity that has become collided with the whole series of revolutionary events which has swept through Europe over the past two centuries. Nevertheless, and rightly so, solving this problem was a way to solve the problem of the dignity of Rusyns and the prestige of their mother tongue.
In Slovakia, Rusyn was finally codified in 1995 on the basis of the two most widespread dialects: Eastern Zemplín and Western Zemplín. This makes it, one of the youngest Slavic literary languages.
This standardization was fundamental for the language, to unify it, and for the different areas of social life : media, literature, culture, religion, administration, and of course, to be able to teach it.
The Ruthenians in the heart of Europe, live along the northern and southern slopes of the Carpathians ... from the Poprad River in the west, to the upper Tisza, and its tributaries in the east.
In Slovakia, they live mainly in the northeast of the country, in the Prešov region, (historically Prjaševščina, or Prešov Rus). In Poland, their geographic area was in the south-eastern part of the country, in the Lemko region (Lemkivščina), but World War II, moved them to Ukraine and western Poland. The majority of those who are in Poland today live in Silesia in the southwest of the country. In Romania we found them in the center-north of the country, and in Hungary, in the north-east.
In the Rusyn language, there are many words borrowed from neighboring languages: Polish, Slovak and Hungarian etc, as well as a unique archaic vernacular vocabulary, which makes this language different from other East Slavic languages. Rusyn uses Cyrillic as a writing system.
The Ruthenians
The Ruthenians are Slavs, from the East, established in the Eastern Carpathians, Bukovina and Galicia, regions that were subjected to Hungarian and Polish domination and are now in Ukraine (North Bukovina (Tchernivtsi)), and Romania (South Bukovina).
They also know how to say "I love you" = "Я тя люблю".