Tatar love poem
Кезгедәге синең сүрәтең
Уята иң якты хисләрне.
Кыска сөю мизгеле!
Татып кал кезгедәгәй бу мәлне.
Voice & song Guzal Zhamaletdinova singer
Kezgedäge sineñ süräteñ
Uyata iñ yaqtı xislärne.
Qısqa söyü mizgele!
Tatıp qal kezgedägäy bu mälne.
→ French poem ←
Tatar woman & her language
A small translation to make a Tatar love poem (Татар мәхәббәт шигыре), the language of the Volga Tatars, official in Tatarstan.
Her, I know her, I think, but, does she know me? I will not tell you her name ... Shut!! it's a secret. I can only tell you one thing, she is so beautiful that my leaf was a long time white, I could not translate her, because how to draw her contours? Tatar also spelled Tartar is spoken in the European Russia. The speakers of the Altaic language of the Kazan tatars (group of Turkish languages), will understand this Tatar poem (шигырь татар). Tatar is also spelled Tartar.
Tatar (Kazan, Tartar, Misher, Middle Tatar, Tata'er, Western Tatar, Siberian Tatar, Eastern Tatar, Autonym : татарча), belongs to the northwestern (kipchak) branch, of the Turkish language family, spoken from western Siberia, to Ryazan in the west, and from Kirov to Astrakhan, from north to south.
The Tartarstan republic is multi-ethnic, and count 51% Tatars, 35% Russians, and the rest are different ethnic groups. Most of the speakers, live in the Ryazan area, but there are other groups, near the Ural River, and further east.
From the 8th century, Chinese and Turkish writings and inscriptions, mention the Tatar. The language was used by the Mongolian and Turkish populations of the Golden Horde, and then by the groups which succeeded it. If the language is kipchak Turkic, it will include many Mongol, Bulgar, Finnish-ugaric elements. In the 9th century Bulgars of the Volga adopted Islam, and 3 centuries later, their state replaced by the Khanate of the Golden Horde. In the 16th century, it will be the Russians, who will annex the Khanate of Kazan, then, some Tatar groups, will move further east.
The Tatars appeared in Russia in the 13th century when they overran with the Mogols most of the country. There state was know as the Golden Horde, with Sarai as capital.
There are 5.5 million tatar-speakers most in Tatarstan, a republic, which also has inhabitants of different ethnic origins (Russians, Chuvash, Bashkirs, Georgians) among others.
Tatar literature
The Tatar during the centuries has taken turns different types of writing, today Cyrillic is used.
Inherited from the Bulgar khanates of the Kama and the Volga, Tatar culture expresses through a didactic and religious poetry (Gaki Tchokryi), until the 19th century. Sometimes non-religious as Koursavi's poems; Kaioum Nassyri is manifested in the poetry of Akmulla and Emelianov. The Tatar poet Toukai dominates the early 20th century, following the poets Faizi, Toufan, and Djalil.