Kazakh love poem


Сенің бейнең айнада

Бұл менің ең әдемі шығармам

Тезірек бол, ол ғайып боп барады

Ең соңғы рет сүйемін деп айтуым.

Translated into Kazakh by Shinar (interpret)
Audio Dana Abdramanova
Kazakh love poem

Four other versions

Шағылысқан айнада бейнең сенің

Ең көрікті өлеңім ол да менің

Тезірек бол,сағым боп кетпес бұрын

Ең соңғы рет өзіңе "сүйем" дедім

Translated into Kazakh by Айжан Сапарова

Сенің айнадағы бейнең,

Менің ең әсем өлеңім,

Бірақ, асық, ол ғайып қой…

Бұл соңғы сүйем дегенім

Kazakh translation by Sameday

Айнадағы бейнеңе қарап,

Тұрмын сені жарға тақап ап,

Әнім саған арналаа-а-а-ад,

Асықпасаң ол да жоқ болад…

Translated into Qazaq by Ainur Aiypkhanova

Сенің бейнең айнада

Ол менің ең әдемі туындым

Асыққай, ол сіңіп барады

Бұл менің соңғы рет «сүюім»

Translated into Kazakh by Magpal
Book of poetry "La Glace"
Original version
French poem

Kazakh girl & her language

Kazakh love poem (Махаббат поэмасы) to say Her "I love You" = "рет сүйемін"

This language of Kazakhstan is also spoken in Xinjiang, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan.

Almaty is your city, and every night you start dreaming about the other city, the one where you know he lives. If my Kazakh poem is a reflection of fifteen million people, it is only for you that I wrote it. It is very small and fragile! Protect it like a child!

Kazakh (Qazaq, Kosach, Southern Kazakh, Qazaqi, Western Kazakh, Kazakhi, Kazax, Hazake, Gazaqi, Kaisak, Kazak, Southwestern Kazakh, Northeastern Kazakh, Autonym : казақ тілі, Qazaq tili, казақша, Qazaqşa), is an agglutinating language of the Kipchak northwest branch of the Turkish language.

Kazakh is closely related to Karakalpak, Uzbek Kipchak, Noghay (Nogai) and Kyrgyz, Its origin goes back to the kipchak languages of the Uzbek tribes, when they have their vast empire, in the 15th century.

The legend of the Kazakhs says that a beautiful princess like a swan, came to the grassy steppe in the form of a qazaq (greylag goose), and it was her who gave birth to the fathers of the Three Hordes.

They separated from the Uzbeks during the migrations and settled further north. They now occupy a territory delimited by the Aral and the Balkach, by the Irtysh and the Syr-Darya.

In the beginning of the 17th century, they occupy Tashkent, which will be their capital. After clashing with the Mongols in the 18th century, they submit to the Russians who will integrate them in the 19th. Then will be the Soviet era and independence in 90-91.

Their language has been in contact for a long time with Mongol and then more recently with Russian, influences that are noticeable.

Before the Russian period Kazakh was not written, and important documents were in Tatar or Chaghatay (Chagatai). It was in the 1890s that the written language was born, based on the dialects of the northwest (the most influenced by Tatar and Russian). The alphabets will be alternately Arabic, Latin and Cyrillic.

The dialectal variety is not very important. The mobility of the populations has led to an important linguistic mixing.

Kazakh literature

One finds early, a Kazakh epic oral poetry (Kozy-Korpech, Kobland-batyr), and many lyric poems, Kazakhstan see it enriched in the 18th century in contact with Russians, one can quote Altynsarin, Kounanbayev and the Kazakh poet Toraiguyrov.

The revolution finds an echo in the poetry of the akyne (bard) Djabaiev and also of Seifoulline who puts at the service of his ideas some poetic works. Since 1956, through an original poet O. Souleimenov, Kazakh literature has found a new breath.

Kazakhstan, independent since the fall of the USSR, although the 9th country in the world because of its area, remains sparsely populated. It is a multi ethnic country, since besides the Kazakhs we find Uzbeks, Uighurs, Russians, Ukrainians and Germans!

Poem translated into Kazakh (554 languages)