Avar love poem
Дур нахъчlвай матlуялда -
Мухъал дур лъикlаб хlухьлалъул.
Хехго тагlуна доб сунна дай,
Ахирисеб асар мукlурлъизе.
Une romanization
Dur naqč̇vaj maṫujalda -
Muqal dur łik̇ab ħux̦lałul.
Xexgo taḣuna dob sunna daj,
Axiriseb asar muk̇urłize.
→ French poem ←
Avar language
A French love poem, translated into avar (alternative names and dialects : Batlukh, Avaro, Maarul Dagestani, North Avar, South-West Avar, Karakh, Andian Avar, Avar, Khunzakh, Dagestani, Salatav, Antsukh, Hid Keleb, Qarakh, Andalal Shulanin, Zaqatal, Zaqatala, South-East Avar, Hid Kaxib, Khundzuri, Ancux, Bolmats, Andalal Untib, Bacadin, Qusur, Zakataly, Char, Andalal, Unkratl, Bolmac, Autonym : Авар мацӏ (Avar maⱬ), Магӏарул мацӏ (Maⱨarul maⱬ)), the Caucasian language of the descendants of the Huns, originating from Tartary. The avar (language of the mountains) is that of the Avars.
Avar, a language from the Avaro-Andi-Dido linguistic group (northeast branch of the North Caucasus language family), is close to andi and dido, and serves as a language of relation for intertribal communications. In Dagestan, a province smaller than a French region, there are over thirty different languages. It is a language where the agent of the action is expressed by an ergative form.
"Avar" is a Russian word of Turkish origin, to designate both the people and the language they speak: in the Avar Koysu, Upper Sulak, Andi Koysu basins, the lowland settlements and the northern towns of Dagestan, and in the Zakatala and Balakan districts of Azerbaijan, for a total of 850,000 speakers.
Avar is attested from the 14th century, but we really began to write it in the 17th century ... in an adapted Arabic alphabet. Then the Latin script was used, and in 1938 the Cyrillic script was adopted.
Avar is a set of dialects, numerous, and sometimes very divergent, without mutual intelligibility, in particular, between the southernmost and the northernmost. Nevertheless, all these dialects share a common culture, which is also found among the Andic and Tsezic populations ... the Avar, Andic and Tsezic languages, are a branch of the languages of the Eastern Caucasus. In the North, the dialects around Khunzaq are fairly homogeneous and close to the literary standard. In the South, the dialects are more diversified, and we less well know them.
Avar is an official language of Dagestan where it is taught in schools and universities. If in the countryside, this language, used to communicate, is doing well, even if the youngest are starting to abandon it, in the city, it declines in favor of Russian, as a language of communication (Russian bilingualism is common in Dagestan) ... on the other hand in these cities, its prestige is important, and can be measured by its use in the cultural world. ... just see the number of popular singers who use it.
In Azerbaijan it teaching is more discreet, and the recent change of script for Azeri (Latin script to replace Cyrillic), will surely affect the use of literary avar in this country.
The Avars
The Avars refer to themselves as Maarulal. This Caucasian ethnic group, which is the result of significant crossbreeding in history, carried out numerous raids towards China and Europe.
The Avars (Avartsy, Avares, Ruanruan), were Mongols from Upper Asia, nomadic from Manchuria to Tourfan. Intrepid and fierce horsemen, they obeyed a Kagan and lived in a walking and fortified capital, the Ring, where they stored their treasures. They came as far as Hungary, Turkey, and Italy, before yielding under the attacks of the Franks.
Because of their presence throughout history, their influence and that of their language, will always have been very important on all their neighbors.
Dargwa poem