Behbahani love poem

عكست ته اينه ي دلم

ته بهترين شعر دلم

اما زي وبه كه زي ميشو

مدونه چنن ميتي بگو دوست مدارم

Translated into Behbahani by Mehran Memari
Behbahani love poem


Akset to oyney delam,

te behterin shere delam,

ama, tond voba ke zi mishu,

modune chenen, mitey bogo " duset medaram"

Book of poetry "La Glace"
Original version
French poem

Behbahani language

This interpretation of my love poem, is into Behbehani (Behbahani, behbahan, Khuzestani Persian), a language of the southern branch of the western Iranian languages.

Behbehani (Khuzestani Persian) is spoken in the Khuzestan province in Behbahan (Behbehan), a city in western Iran, in the east of the Khuzestan province.

Khuzestan refers to the Khuzi peoples, the first to inhabit this region which borders the Persian Gulf. For some, Behbahani should is a language in its own right.

This language for its vocabulary and some of its grammatical constructions, and its system of personal pronouns, differs from Persian.

The girl of Behbahan

Behbahan is an Iranian city in the Khuzestan province near the Persian Gulf with 350,000 inhabitants ... and for the girl of Behbahan ... look, look there, and you will recognize her ...

"Oui, elle était brune, brune de cheveux jusqu'au noir le plus jais, le plus miroir d'ébène que j'aie jamais vu reluire sur la voluptueuse convexité lustrée d'une tête de femme, mais elle était blonde de teint ... c'était une blonde aux cheveux noirs." - Barbey d'Aurevilly (Les Diaboliques 1874)

Other Western Iranian languages
Tajik poem - Ossetian poem - Persian poem
Poem translated into behbahani (554 languages)