Russian love poem
Твоё отражение в зеркале —
Строки моей лучшей дыхание.
Спеши! Ведь исчезнет! Померкнет ли
Последнее в чувстве признание?!

A romanization
Tvoë otraženie v zerkale
Stroki moej lučšej dyhanie.
Speši! Ved’ isčeznet! Pomerknet li
Poslednee v čuvstve priznanie?!
Three other versions
В зеркале твое отражение-
Прекрасное стихотворение
Тебе говорю я: "Люблю!"
Последний твой взгляд ловлю.
Ах, отраженье в зеркале твое -
Поэзии прекрасное творенье.
Так торопись, растает, как виденье,
"Люблю" последнее мое!
Твоё в зеркале отражение
Моё лучшее стихотворение,
Мимолётный образ твой пропадает.
Последнее “я люблю тебя!” замирает.

→ French poem ←
Russian woman & language
Russian love poem (Стихотворение о любви Русский), translated by Igor, a true poet!
Every morning, my mirror sends me back to yours in Slavic thoughts. After each of your gestures to make up your face, I look at you smile, seeing your metamorphose!
Tomorrow you will cross my life saying to me: "We are not so far away, you have been in me for so long! Wait for me, i come!" And you will come and say, "I send you back from your poem, Three words, the most beautifuls of the Russian language: "Я тебя люблю", take them they are for you!
Russian (Russki) is an Eastern Slavonic language, written in the Cyrillic alphabet, spoken by 300 million people through the countries of the former Soviet Union.
As early as the 9th century, old Russian differentiated itself from the old Slavic (Bulgarian-Macedonian). Old Russian is made up of all the vernacular dialects of Russian territory. From the 9th century, old Russian is different from old Slavonic (Bulgarian-Macedonian). A dichotomy gradually develops between Slavon (religious literary language) and Russian oral language. The Old Russian is constituted by all the vernacular dialects of the Russian territory.
It is not until the 16th century that Russian will be used as the language of the empire. Even when the capital moves to St Petersburg, Moscow remains the religious capital and continues to permeate the language. Under Peter the Great, Russian borrows heavily from French, German, English.
The dialect groups are the northern, southern and central groups. The central group (Moscow region) presents the consonant system of the northern group, and the vocalicl system of the southern group.
Early slavic tradition credits st cyryl with the development of a slavic alphabet, and cyrillic bears his name. Cyrillic is based upon the Greek alphabet.
Russian literature
The earliest inscription is that of the Tmutarakan stone (1068), and the first Russian manuscript dates from 1056. Many texts are written on birch barks, then on parchments until the 14th century, then on paper in the 15th.
In the 13th century a rich popular literature, the bylines, or gesture songs, is attested, but it will not be noted until the 17th century. In the 15th, literary works are composed in a language which is gradually released from Slavonic. In the middle of the 17th century the use of Russian in Moscow become generalized, and the written language became more and more close to the dialectal language.
Under Peter the Great the Russian evolve towards the modern Russian (18th), a simpler style, close to the spoken language, is admitted, in the minor genres. Lomonosov, who wrote the first true grammar in the middle of the century, is the founder of the Moscow University and considered the father of modern Russian literature. He proposes a style, "high" that will be literary Russian (Slavonian and modern Russian lexicon), "medium" (Slavonic), "low" (Russian).
Classical authors such as Karamzin and then the great Russian poet Pushkin create a supple and rich literary language that hardly changed for a century. French will become a model for the sentences structure. Many words will be borrowed. It is not absurd to say that this literary language is a synthesis of old Greco-Slavonic, current Russian and French syntax.
Turgenev with Merimee, translates Pushkin's poems, he will also write some magnificent poems in Russian.
With the revolution of 1917, the language evolves, the alphabet is simplified, the lexicon is sprinkled with terms derived from the revolution.
The federation of Russia born in 1991 remains a potential economic giant. Its soil is full of minerals and its agricultural production is important. With 17 million km², it is the largest country in the world, 9,000 km from east to west and 11 time zones. But since 1990 with a low life expectancy for an industrialized country and because of the emigration, its population decreases.