Belarusian love poem


Тваё адлюстраванне ў люстэрку -

Гэта самы прыгожы з маіх вершаў.

Ну, давай, шпарчэй, яно знікае.

Я ў апошні раз кажу, што я кахаю.

Translated into Belarusian by ludmila
Audio Katerina Osipenko
Belarusian love poem

A transliteration


Tvajo adliustravannie ŭ liusterku -

Heta samy pryhožy z maich vieršaŭ.

Nu, davaj, šparčej, jano znikaje.

Ja ŭ apošni raz kažu, što ja kachaju.

Poetry book "La Glace"
Original version
French poem

Belarusian woman and language

(Любоў верш), Belarusian love poem (alternatives : Belarusan, Belorussian, Bielorussian, White Ruthenian, Central Belarusan, White Russian, Polots, Southwest Belarusan, Slutska-Mazyrski, Byelorussian, Viteb-Mogilev, Grodnen-Baranovich, Slutsko-Mozyr, Northeast Belarusan, Autonym : беларуская мова).

In the image of this Belarusan (Belarusian, Bielorussian, Belorussian) love poem (Любоў верш), many poets were drowned. The woman it depicts is in shifting reflections, in burning reflections! She turns and turns, but when she reads my four verses, at last she froze, and as on a snapshot that one can contemplate, she finally appears!

Belorussian is the language of the new nation of Belarus, where it is spoken by about two-thirds of the population. This language of the Eastern Slavic group, is spoken by 9 million people. Detached from Russian in the 12th century, it was the language of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.

It is now the official language of Belarus. It is written in the cyrillic alphabet with two letters more than in Russian.

Formerly known as Old Belorussian, or Western Russian, Belarusian gradually will decline as the language of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, to the benefit of the Polish, which will influence it. The next influence will be that of Russian in the 18th with the unification to Russia. Its only in the 20 th century that the language will benefit to a revival based on the vernacular language.

In the beginning of the 20th century, a grammar will be published (1918). The standard for the language is based on the central dialect, that of Minsk.

Poem translated into belarusian (555 languages)