Fon love poem


Noukoumintowhe yo

E hle ho gbe de houn no do le

Bo gna ou bo ssou ssoun ssin

I gni whan nou whe.

Translated into fongbe by Bertille
Fon love poem

Book of poetry "La Glace"
Original version
French poem

Fon language

Fon love poem (alternatives : Fongbe, Fonnu, Fon-Gbe, Arohun, Fo, Djedji, Fogbe, Kpase, Gbekon, Dahomeen, Agbome, Autonym : Fɔngbè), in the vehicular language of Benin, Nigeria and Togo, which count 1.5 million speakers, distributed in the three mentioned countries.

A poetry in the tonal language of a pretty Beninese woman, lost among the girls of Porto-Novo!.

If French, is the official language, Fongbè, one of the many languages of Benin, and the most spoken in this country (by about 6 million people).

Fon, a Niger-Congolese language of the Kwa group close to the Ewe, is the language of the Fons (Dahomeys), since it was them who created the kingdom of Dahomey.

It's the most important language in Benin, on the southern coast of West Africa, mainly in the south-central part of the country around the city of Abomey.

In Porto-Novo and Cotonou, a slightly different dialect known as Gu is spoken. Fon is a kwa language, its native name is fon-gbe (people-language).

Kingdom of Dahomey

At its peak in the 18th-19th century, the kingdom of Dahomey, included a highly elaborate hierarchical administrative organization, with a court, dignitaries and an army.

It had the near monopoly of the slave trade with the Europeans (the Slave Coast). During the annual custom in honor of the ancestors, many captives were sacrificed.

During these two glorious centuries, the kingdom possessed elite female troops which greatly contributed to its power.

Called Mino, in some ways, they remind us the amazons of mythology. Very young, they made vows of virginity, left their family and were initiated in the handling of weapons.

Kwa languages
Gen - Igbo - Attie - Ewe
Poem translated into Fon (554 languages)