Kashmiri love poem


صورت ڇعیڼ شیشس مڼز

ڇھ میعڼ اکھ بهتریڼ ڼظم

رآوآڹ چھ جڵد یه مگر

محبت چھم چوڼ, ڵڧظ چھٴم أخری

Translated into Kashmiri by Arslan Qadri
Kashmiri love poem

Sharada script


𑆱𑆷𑆫𑆠𑇀 𑆗𑆼𑆪𑆴 𑆯𑆼𑆯𑆱𑇀 𑆩𑆘𑇊𑆼𑆢𑇀

𑆗𑆼 𑆩𑆼𑆪𑆼𑆲𑇀 𑆃𑆒𑇀 𑆧𑆼𑆲𑇀𑆠𑆼𑆫𑆴 𑆘𑇊𑆘𑇊𑆼𑆩𑇀

𑆫𑆳𑆮 𑆗𑆼 𑆘𑆢𑆢𑇀 𑆪𑆴𑆲𑇀 𑆩𑆓𑆼𑆫𑇀

𑆩𑆼𑆲𑇀𑆧𑆠𑇀 𑆗𑆩𑇀 𑆖𑆾𑆃𑆑𑇀, 𑆘𑇊𑆼𑆪𑇀𑆘𑇊𑇀 𑆗𑆩 𑆒𑆫𑆵

I converted (certainly very imperfectly) into the alphasyllabary Sharada (Śāradā, Sharda), the Kashmiri translation. I wanted to show you this writing, which dates from the 8th century. This abugida was mainly used for religious texts.

A romanization


Soorat chheyi sheshas mazed

Chhe meyeh akh behteri zazem

Raawa chhe jadad yih mager

Mehbat chham choak, zeyz chhama kharee

Book of poetry "La Glace"
Original version
French poem

Kashmiri language

A Kashmiri love poem (alternative names and dialect names : Cashmiri, Kâshmîrî, Kaschemiri, Cashmeeree, Koshur, Kishtwari, Cashmiri, Kathiawari, Riasi, Zayoli, Kashtawari, Siraji-Kashmiri, Bunjwali, Siraji of Doda, Keshur, Poguli, Standard Kashmiri, Kashtwari, Shah-Mansuri, Zirak-Boli, Rambani, Bakawali, Miraski, Keshuri, Kacmiri, Kistwali, Autonym : کٲشُر (Koshur), कॉशुर (Koshur)).

You, who will write to me, from which of where are you, from where are your ancestors? You are probably now in Pakistan, because it is with the modified Arabic alphabet that I am writing to you. Will you take a bit of your time to read my poem in your mirror? I think so! We shall see if one day you will write to me!

This dardic Indo-Iranian language of Kashmir (India and Pakistan), one of the 22 languages of India. 6 million speakers will understand it. There are two varieties of kashmiri: the Muslim who has many borrowings from Arabic and Persian, and the Hindu, which contains many words of Sanskrit origin.

Kashmiri includes several dialects that are often considered by their speakers as apart languages. The standard, which is also the literary language comes from around the capital area (Srinagar), others are called Poguli, Siraji, Kashtwari, Bunjwali, Rambani.

The first writing system used for Kashmiri is sharada. Some consider that Devanagari comes from Sharada. Currently, the two scripts used are as here, the Perso-Arabic alphabet on the Pakistanian side, and the Devanagari on the Indian side.

Kashmiri literature

Deeply influenced by Persian literature, from which it resumed its themes and poetic images, Kashmiri literature took its rise in the 14th century, with Lal Ded, succeeded by lyrical and mystical songs.

One owes to Hatim popular tales, and to Rasul Mir and Mahjur the perpetuation of the rhazal tradition. Modern literature counts with the person of Abdul Ahad Azad, an exceptional poet, who rises against prejudices, and calls for social justice.

Kashmir is a mountainous country shared between India, Pakistan and China.

Dardic languages
Shina poem - Khowar poem
Poem translated into kashmiri (554 languages)