Gujarati love poem
તમારી તસ્વીર અરીસામા,
એજ મારી સૌથી સુંદર કવિતા,
પણ જલ્દી કર,એ અદૄશય થાય છે.
આ મારો છેલ્લો,'હુ તને પેૄમ કરુ છુ'
A transliteration
Tamārī tasvīra arīsāmā,
ēja mārī sauthī sundara kavitā,
Paṇa jaldī kara,ē adl̥śaya thāya chē.
ā mārō chēllō,'hu tanē pēl̥ma karu chu'
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Letters which undulate & Gujarati
Gujarati love poem (પ્રેમ કવિતા), for the girls with black eyes and hair, of Gujerat. The letters of this translated poem into Gujarati, undulate gently, as do their hair.
Women from Gujarat I give you this poem.
Gujarati (other names : Gudjarātī, Patani, Brathela, Ahmedabad Gamadia, Gurjari, Nagari, Gujrathi, Mumbai Gujarati, Gujerati, Eastern Broach Gujarati, Gohilwadi, Kharwa, Parsi, Sorathi, Charotari, Anawla, Gramya, Patnuli, Surati, Gamadia, Ghisadi, Holadi, Tarimuki, Standard Gujarati, Kathiyawadi, Patidari, Jhalawadi, Saurashtra Standard, Gujerathi, Bhawnagari, Kakari, Vadodari, Autonym : ગુજરાત) is a Western indic language spoken by 47 million people.
It is one of the official languages of India, and is found mostly in the state of Gujarat. Related to the apabhamsa Sauraseni, Gujarati is very close to marvari (western rajasthani). It develops especially in the 12th century as an independent language
Gujarati belongs to the southwestern branch of the Indo-Aryan languages. Studies make us distinguish old (12-15th), middle (15-18th), and modern Gujaratin 18th until today. It is the Gujarati of Baroda-Ahmedabad which is the most recognized, the others dialects are called surati, carotari, patani and kathiawari.
It should be noted that Bombay Samacar (1822), is one of the oldest newspaper in India.
Gujarati literature
We find first the distinct trace of old rajasthani, in an Apabhramsa grammar treatises. The first works in Gurjari are inspired by Jainism to promote the propagation of this religion. They borrow the forms of the rasa and katha.
In the 12th century, with Bharatesvarabahubalirasa (1185), we find the first text in Gujarati. In the 13th they are texts in prose and verse, including the bucolic poem Vasantavilasa, in the 14th it will be the Sadavasyakabalabodhavrtti.
The 15th with Narasim ha Mehta's devotional ballads, marks a new poetic era, which will remain of first importance. The medieval period see the blossoming of the poetry of the Krisnaite epopee with Narasimha Mehta and Dayaram, and of ramaite with Bhalana. In the 17th century one finds the little sung poems (pada) of Akha Bhagat.
In the 18th century it is the poetic genre garbi, which is represented by the poet Vallabha. The end of the 19th will see the advent of the theater.
In the 20th century, literature is inspired by the West. Narsinghrao, Narmadasankara, are the pioneers of lyric poetry, and Mr. K. Gandhi, in literature and politics, will profoundly influence this period. The nagari alphasyllabary in which Gujarati is written has similarities with the devanagari.