Shina love poem

Thai naqsha guyurer,

Ana mai bodi shali nazam han,

Laikin, loko anu naqsha gayib beon,

Ana mai akhiri, "mas tu khosh thamus"

Translated into Shina by Mamtaz Hussain Gohar
Shina love poem

Poetry book "La Glace"
Original version
French poem

The Shina

Translation of the love poem into Shina (alternative : Dardi, Sinha, Astori, Shinaki, Dras, Satpara, Brokpa, Sazin, Darel, Sina, Drasi, Sinaá, Tangir, Hunza-Nagar, Kharmangi, Astor, Punial, Haramosh, Gilgit, Bunji, Rondu, Chilasi Kohistani, Chilas, Gurezi, Bagrote, Harban, Gilgiti, Autonym : شینا).

Shina is a Middle Indo-Aryan (Gandhara Prakrit) language. It is the Dardic language of the Shins, one of the largest linguistic communities in Gilgit-Baltistan, a mountainous region in northeastern Pakistan.

Ṣinaá is also spoken in Indian Kashmir, and in Afghanistan. it has a total of just over 300,000 speakers.

This region where the Shins live, full of geographical barriers (rivers, mountains etc.), has long left them isolated from other peoples.

In general, this language is divided into four dialects (Gilgiti, Guresi, Kohistani and Drasi), which would be linked to migrations over the entire territory of the first group come in the region; presumably people from the Kashmir valley.

These Shin people of Kohistann, Chilasi and Gilgiti have an important oral tradition, but actually there is no real standard to write their language. This remains a real problem because if the language really started to be written it would give it more chances of to stay alive.

Of course, it is still possible to collect the oral tradition of the Shins in other languages, but it would look more like a desire to preserve something, rather than continue to keep there culture alive.

Shina is generally written with the Arabic script for Urdu and sometimes in Devanagari. History has mentioned this people in the region for a very long time.

Languages classification

For classification, linguists try to identify related words in the languages. Items of basic vocabulary, such as pronouns, numerals, body parts and kinship terms, are especialy important in classifying languages families, as these items are the least suceptible to change and borrowing.

For a still more accurate comparison between language groups, it is customary to take the oldest available text which is representative of each language. The classification and comparison of a family of languages can help to reconstruct the part of the ancestral language of the group.

Dardic languages
Kashmiri poem - Khowar poem
Poem translated into Shina (555 languages)