Rohingya love poem
Ainar bútore tuáñr cokól,
Ziyán añár bicí cúndoijja ceér,
Mogor, áñzizagói yián toratori,
Añár alfas yián ahéri "Aññí tuáñre muhábbot gorí"!

With the Hanifi script
𐴀𐴝𐴙𐴕𐴝𐴌 𐴁𐴟𐴃𐴡𐴤𐴌𐴠𐴤 𐴃𐴟𐴀𐴝𐴛𐴌 𐴆𐴡𐴤𐴑𐴡𐴤𐴓،
𐴎𐴞𐴘𐴝𐴕 𐴀𐴝𐴛𐴝𐴌 𐴁𐴞𐴆𐴞 𐴆𐴟𐴕𐴊𐴡𐴤𐴙𐴅𐴧𐴝 𐴆𐴠𐴤𐴀𐴠𐴤𐴌،
𐴔𐴡𐴤𐴒𐴡𐴤𐴌، 𐴀𐴝𐴛𐴎𐴞𐴎𐴝𐴒𐴡𐴤𐴙 𐴘𐴞𐴀𐴝𐴕 𐴃𐴡𐴤𐴌𐴝𐴃𐴡𐴤𐴌𐴞،
𐴀𐴝𐴛𐴝𐴌 𐴀𐴝𐴓𐴉𐴝𐴏 𐴘𐴞𐴀𐴝𐴕 𐴀𐴝𐴇𐴠𐴤𐴌𐴞 "𐴀𐴝𐴛𐴧𐴞 𐴃𐴟𐴀𐴝𐴛𐴌𐴠𐴤 𐴔𐴟𐴇𐴝𐴁𐴧𐴡𐴤𐴃 𐴒𐴡𐴤𐴌𐴞"!

→ French poem ←
Rohingya dialect
Translation of my love poem in Rohingya (Rohinggya, Rohinga, Rohinja, Rohingiya, Chittagonian, autonym: Ruwainggya), for nearly 2 million speakers.
This Chittagonian dialect, from the Oriental group of Indica languages, and more precisely from the Assamese-Bengali group, is close to Bengali, but the two are not inter-understandable.
Rohinggya is spoken by the Rohingya people in northern Rakhine State (Arakan) in Burma (Myanmar). It is linked to the Chittagonian language spoken in the Chattogram Division, in the south-east of Bangladesh.
Until the mid-twentieth century, during British rule, the Rohingyas mostly used English or Urdu, when they wrote. Then, after independence, Burmese became the language for everything that was official.
It was written, depending on the period, either with Urdu, Arabic, Burmese, Hanifi, Rohingyalish scripts, or as here with a modified Latin alphabet. It seems that today the Hanifi script is also used ... it is a script based on the Arabic script, with modifications coming from the Burmese and Latin alphabets.
The first texts that we find, were written with the Arabic script, about 350 years ago.
The Rohingyas
The Rohingyas are a people, who for a part, live in Bangladesh, near Maungdaw and Buthidaung, on the border of the neighboring state of Arakan; and for another part, in Myanmar in Rakhine State.
The origin of the Rohingya is uncertain. It is assumed that they are the descendants of merchants who came from the Mughal Empire at the beginning of the 7th century, mixed with indigenous populations.
A little later during the English domination, will take place, other emigrations towards Arakan, in particular of Bengalis come from Bengal.
In Myanmar, the fate of this persecuted Muslim minority is far from being resolved.
Even today, and for nearly 50 years, Burma has been attacking them, so, a large number of them have already fled across the border, in Bangladesh.