Wu suzhou love poem

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Wu Suzhou language
Wu-Suzhou love poem, for two slanted eyes that illuminate this Chinese province. She is tall and distinguished, and wears as jewels only two small gold rings hanging from her ears. This Chinese girl is magic, people stop by seeing her, it is certainly a fairy! It seems that it is there, in Suzhou, that they all born! This dialect of Suzhou, gives to my little mirror poem, all the weight of its simplified sinograms.
The wu, has had a great historical importance, especially during the Ming period. Suzhou is a city in Jiangsu, in the east of China, 100 km from Shanghai, which has 10 million inhabitants. It is the cradle of Wu culture. It is a city with many canals.
Wu Suzhou, which has a fairly complex tone system, is spoken in Suzhou City and its suburbs and includes variations.
For example between city and suburb, if only at the level of the accent, that of the city is softer and that of the suburbs harsher.
Between Wu Suzhou and Shanghainese there are estimated to be about 30% differences but which are enough to make these two languages incomprehensible between them.
Ideogram and style
If two people speak two different Chinese languages, of course they will not understand each other, but if they write what they say, they will write it in the same way, and understand each other because their writing system is based on ideograms.
So, how would you define the notion of writing style for languages that use an ideogram-based writing system, when two different languages say something orally differently, but write it the same way? In any case, obviously: putting style when it is write with our alphabet or in ideograms is quite different. If you know, send me an email!