Yuchi love poem
Newonde'dji f'epp'apanetittne
K'ala tsyowesepe'e yak'wane
Nots'igape'e nagottne legota
K'ala tsyohithe keyodit'hyayu

Pronounciation guide (approximate):
Neh won deh ' gee f ' epp ' apan nee tet neh
K ' alah chyo weh seh peh ' e yak' wan eh
Nots ' igah peh 'e nah gott neh leh go tah
K ' alah chyo heeteh kee yo deet ' heya yu
Literally :
Your shadow in the looking glass.
It is my best song.
But quickly disappears,
It is my last "I love you."

→ French poem ←
A Rosetta stone for Yuchi language
The Yuchi (Uchi, Yuchee, Yuchean, Euchee, Zoyaha, Tsoyaha, Uchean) translation of my love poem.
This isolated amerindian language is practically extinct, we do not link it to any other language! Even if over time the Yuchee language has borrowed words from those of its neighbors, it has many sounds, about fifty, and even differs in its structure from other Amerindian languages. This language is probably an isolate, although it should still be noted that for some, the euchee has come comparisons with the Sioux languages.
There are not more than 4 or 5 speakers in Oklahoma, she is certainly one of them. Will my poem be a new Rosetta stone for this language?
Initially an independent tribe from central Tennessee, the Yuchis joined the Muscogee Creeks in the early 19th century. Today most live in northeast Oklahoma, near Sapulpa, Hectorsville and Bristow.
Although they have been part of the Creek Confederacy for a long time, they have managed to keep their customs and language.
If Yuchi has only the number of fingers of one hand as speakers, today many young people want to learn the language of their ancestors, and this has become possible with the implementation of its teaching.
As the language does not have its own alphabet, the Yuchis phonetically transcribed their language to write it with the Latin alphabet.
The Yuchis
Some history: At the beginning of colonization by the Europeans, the Yuchis (Uchee, Euchee), lived in the southeast of the United States, between: the west of the Carolinas, the east of Tennessee and the northern Georgia and Alabama. Many of them were moved in the 19th century, with their neighbors the Creek, to Oklahoma.
Many of them were moved in the 19th century, along with their neighbors the Creek, to Oklahoma and Florida. Of all these trips, some mingled with other tribes that accompanied them or that they met, namely the Shawnees, Cherokees, Lenapes, Seminoles and Creeks etc.
In all likelihood the Yuchis, who are famous for their mound constructions and half-buried houses in surrounded villages, were among the first Amerindians in the region, and before the arrival of the whites, were joigned by other Indian tribes.
The first to meet them are Spanish explorers in the 16th century; they describe the Euchee tribe as powerful and large in number.
It seem clear, that although scattered over a large area in villages, even though they were slaughtered by the whites and their Indian neighbors, the greatest scourge that struck them is linked to the diseases brought by the Europeans.
Today the Euchee (Yudjiha), "the children of the sun", around 2,000, have kept their traditions, which has enabled them to avoid a complete assimilation ... but its not sure that this small number, allied to the proudness of the Tsoyahas, will suffice to preserve all their differences and the richness of their culture.