Choctaw love poem
Apisa anuka chi holbät toba yät,
äm ataloät toba aiukli moma i shahli,
I hokakosh tushpa hosh kania,
“Chi Hullo Li” yämma kosh äm isht aiopi.

→ French poem ←
Choctaw language
Small Choctaw (chickasaw) love poem translated for 10,000 speakers mainly in Oklahoma. The Natives of this American Natchez-muskogean language, the Chactas people also need to speak about love.
The chocktaw language is most closely related to chickasaw, the two belonging to the Muskogean family. The Choctaw (Chickasaw, Autonym : Chahta, Chacta, Chahta Anumpa), uses the Latin alphabet. Oklahoma, in Choctaw mean "red people".
The Muskogean languages were spoken in the southeastern United States, from Georgia to Louisiana. The population movements dispersed the speakers.
Currently the majority of them are in Oklahoma and Florida. There are 6 different Muskogean languages still spoken, the choktaw is the most important (Missisipi and Oklahoma). Others are chickasaw, alabama, kaasati, mikasuki and creek. 3 other languages of this family have already disappeared (apalachee, hitchiti and mobilian).
The Chactas
The French were the first to meet the Choctaws at the end of the 17th century. They were their allies against the English.
The Choctaws formed one of the five Indian nations; They were the subject of a strong acculturation. They are known for their division into halves which prohibited marriage between members of separate halves. The Mississippi is their ancestors land.
The Choctaws Indians lived originally in southern Mississipi, but in the 1830s they were forced to cede their lands to the United States government and move to what is now Oklahoma. There, together with the Chickasaws, Seminoles, Creeks, and Cherokees, they formed the so-called Five civilized Tribes, each with one territory, government, and code of laws.
This independent status continued until 1907, when Oklahoma was admitted to the Union as a state. About ¾ of the Choctaw speakers live in southeastern Oklahoma, the rest on a reservation in central Mississipi.