Tlapanec love poem


Gri’gú inaa na ni’wan’

Nga’a misan ñajun

Mi’cha la muu nangudii

Imboó ika etan “Nando kayaa”

Translated into Me´phaa by Juan Neri Dionicio
Audio Juan Neri Dionicio
Tlapanec love poem

Poetry book "La Glace"
Original version
French poem

Tlapanec language

The translation of my love poem into Tlapanec (Me´phaa)! Here the alternatives names of this languages with the dialects names : Me'pa, Tlapaneco del Oeste, Teocuitlapa, Tlapaneco de Zoquitlán, Tlapaneco de Teocuitlapa, Me'phaa Xma'íín, Huitzapula, Me'phàà Xìrágáá, Me'phàà Murúxìì, Zapotitlán Tablas, Tlapaneco de Nanzintla, Me'phaa, Tlapaneco del Noroeste Alto, Acatepec Me'phaa, Tlapaneco del Noroeste Bajo, Me'phàà Àguàà, Tlapaneco del Norte, Tlapaneco de Acatepec, Western Tlapanec, Tlapaneco de Zapotitlán, Nanzintla, Acatepec Tlapanec, Acatepec, Tlapaneco del Suroeste, Tlapaneco de Huitzapula, Autonym : Me'pa Wí'ìn, Meꞌpa̱a̱ Wíꞌi̱i̱n.

This Otomanguean language (Oxaca) from Mexico (state of Guerrero), is spoken for all of its varieties (Tlacoapa, Acatpec, Azoyú, Malinaltepec) by one hundred thousand speakers, 30% of them are monolingual, and the number of these monolingual speakers is only increasing.

The Mexican National Institute of Indigenous Languages, don't only counts four, but nine dialect variants of the Tlapanec language. The dialect of this translation is Acatepec, it has 40,000 speakers.

According to Abad Carrasco Ziga, the first to speak the Mè'phàà language were called "Yopi" and lived near San Marcos and Tecoanapa, in a territory called Yopitzingo. For some the Yopis after the Spanish conquest have disappeared, for others they would have fled to Salvador then Nicaragua to be today the Subtiabas, Orotinas, Nagrandanos and Quascaleños.

In any case, the Mè’phàà language is linked to certain Central American languages spoken in El Salvador (maribio), Nicaragua (subtiaba, nagrandano, quascalá) and Costa Rica (orotiña or orotina), languages which are now extinct.

The word me'phàà comes from Mbo À'phàà, association of xàb and À'phàà (the one who is À'phàà). À'phàà being a region bordering the state of Oaxaca, from Acozauca Guerrero to the Costa Chica passing from Olinalá to Chilapa. Today this word m'phàà designates at the same time the speakers (xàbu mè'phàà), of the people (xuajin m'çphàà), whose language is (ajingáá mè'phàà).

The Tlapanecs

In pre-Columbian times, the Tlapanecs (Yopi) lived in a territory called Yopitzinco, by the Aztecs. Tlapan was their main city. Their territory formed an enclave inside of the powerful Aztec empire, which could never conquer it.

Tlapanec society operates on a patriarchal basis, with political and religious leaders, chaired by a council of chiefs. The power of this council, is of course very weak, since it is the laws of the Mexican state which govern.

Poem translated into tlapanec (555 languages)