Ozelonacaxtla Totonac love poem
Na lanla tasiiya kspejo
Wa tima lu xastlan kintachiwin
Kalakapala, taxapama
¡Autiya kwaniyan "klaqkatsanan"!
By and for the whole Totonac community

→ French poem ←
Totonac languages
The Totonac languages or ou Tepehua-Totonac (280,000 speakers overall), for some linguists would be related to Mixe and Zoque and for others genetically linked to no other Native American language.
We can distinguish a dozen Totonac languages but which are not necessarily intercomprehensible ... some municipalities present variants of the language which, but with their very low number of speakers, they are in real danger of extinction.
The origin of the name Totonac is disputed and probably linked to their connection with religion. It would refer to the division into three of their places of ceremony, or more simply to the name of their God.
The dialect I present here, is that of the mountains (Sierra Totonac, Highland Totonac, Central-South Totonac, Totonaco, autonym: Tutunakú), and more precisely: Totonac from the North of the Sierra in the variant of Ozelonacaxtla, Huehuetla, Puebla, Mexico.
The Totonacs
The Totonacs are indigenous Indians of the Gulf of Mexico, currently established in the states of Veracrux and Puebla. Their origin which is discussed would perhaps be the north of Puebla.
They underwent the domination of the Aztec Empire before joining forces with the Spaniards. If, like all the other indigenous peoples, their culture is gradually replaced by that of the Spaniards, their traditions for spinning, weaving, sculpture and ceramics remain alive.
Northern Totonac