Abenaki love poem


Kd'alidgwaôn pipinawjakôganek

Pôbaamimen wliawikhigawôganal

Kanwa, ai nabi kwôzihlamen

Mejessalamen "K'kezalmel"!

Translated into Abenaki & voice Elie Joubert
Abenaki love poem

Poetry book "La Glace"
Original version
French poem

Abenaki woman & language

A love poem translated into Abenaki (Western Abenaki, Abenaqui, Abnaki, Saint Francis, Alnombak, autonym : Wôbanakiôdwawôgan), the Algonquian language of the Abenaki people in Quebec, Maine and Odanak.

An Abenaki poem for all the squaws of this tribe. There are two varieties of abenaquis languages which are quite similar, oriental and western.

No matter about which one is her language, because when she will read my 4 short lines, she will know that her image is much more than a dialect, or a language, that she is simply universal for who knows how to look at her!

Even though Eastern Abenaki, spoken in southern and central Maine, is now extinct, the language has been widely documented by French Missionaries. Western Abenaki was spoken in New Hampshire and near Vermont.

Today, we found this language in Quebec, in the Odanak reserve, on the Saint-François river, as well as in Vermont, around the north end of Lake Champlain, with currently attempts to revive it and teach it in the school system. Western Abenaki is also well documented by many teachers in the Odanak community.

The Abenakis

The Abenakis are Algonquin Indians, who lived as nomads on the Maine coast.

As early as the 18th century, they were acculturated by the French settlers who used them to fight the British settlers.

Eastern Algonquian languages
Lenape - Mahican - Maliseet
Poem translated into abenaki (555 languages)