Mohawk love poem


Atatken’tsherà:ke tehsià:tara’s

Nè:’e naonhà:’a tióskats nakewenna’shòn:’a

Tesasteríhen é:ren wathawíhtha

Nè:’e nohna’kénhkha “skonnorónhkhwa”

Translated into Mohawk (Kanien’kéha) by Karonhiio Brian Delaronde
Mohawk love poem

Poetry book "La Glace"
Original version
French poem

Mohawk language

The Mohawk language (Agnier, Iroquois, Maqui, Autonym : Kanien’kéha, Kanien’kehaka), is a polysynthetic Iroquoian language from Quebec region, and Usa (Ontario, New York state), spoken by 3,000 people.

Mohawk is originally the language of the tribe of the Iroquois Confederacy located most east (Mohawk River Valley of New York, between Utica and Schenectady).

Today the Mohawks are divided into several groups in Canada: The Ahkwesahsne on the St Laurent near the USA, the Kahnawake and Kanehsatake near Montreal, the Ohsweken in Ontario near the Grand River. They are also found in Gibson (Georgian Bay), and in the Tyendinaga Reserve (Kingston).

There are three main variants of this language, and it should be noted that before borrowing the Latin alphabet the Mohawks used pictograms to write their language. Although Mohawk is still the most widely spoken Iroquois language, currently, this language is considered endangered, because its number of speakers is only decreasing, and those who remain are often old.

The Mohawks

The Mohawks (Agniers, Maquas, Maquis, Kanien'kehá: ka (children of the stars)), of the six nations (Haudenosaunee), are the largest in number, around 5,000 in the USA (New York state and Ontario) and four times more numerous in Canada in the Quebec region.

History: Originally their territory was located in the current state of New York and their semi-sedentary life (in clans and in longhouses), was occupied, for men, by hunting and fishing, and for women, by cultures (squash, beans, corn).

Their Algonquin neighbors, with whom conflicts were frequent, gave them this name Mohawk (man-eaters in Algonquin). If their encounters with the Dutch, by exchanging furs for rifles, first allowed them to undo Algonquin, these encounters with the European arrivals, only destroyed them.

In the wars between the French and the English, if they were first, allies of the English, many turned to the side of the French ... later, during the wars of independence, they allied themselves with the English.

Others Iroquoian languages
Cherokee poem - Mingo poem
Poem translated into mohawk (555 languages)