Fijian love poem


Na kemuni rairai ena iloilo

E noqu serekali taleitaki

Ia vakatotolo sa se yavu yani

Na noqu i otioti, "Au domoni iko"

Translated into Fijian by Seini, Meme, Lia
Fijian love poem

Poetry book "La Glace"
Original version
French poem

Fijian language

Here is a translation for a Fiji (Fijian) love poem (Serekali ni loloma), one of the official languages of Fiji, close to the Samoan, belongs to the center pacific languages of the oceanic branch of Austonesian languages.

She lives in a very small village near Suva. She is also a daughter of sun and Pacific. She loves words and letters, and her big dream is to invent a new alphabet to write her pretty language.

The Fijian (Standard Fijian, Eastern Fijian, Navakasiga, Tavuki, Northeast Viti Levu, Bauan, Mbau, Labasa, Baumaa, Tunuloa, Boumaa Fijian, Tokaimalo, Lutu, Northeast Vanua Levu, Fiji, Ono, Korolau, Southeast Vanua Levu, Baaravi, Vakaviti, Navatu-C, West Vanua Levu, Bua, Bau, Dogotuki Saqani, Central Vanua Levu, Soolevu, Naweni, Kadavu, Naimasimasi, Nandrau, Lovoni, Waidina, Nabalebale, Savusavu, Navatu-B, Southeast Viti Levu, Namena, Nabukelevu, Seaqaaqaa), is spoken by 450,000 people.

The Fijian is divided into two groups, East and West (Vitilevu), which are not necessarily mutually understandable. The standard is bauan.

The earliest writings date from the missionaries in the middle of the 19th century. Today radio, TV, newspapers and schools broadcast the language. Fijian is the national language of Fiji only since 1997.

They will be about 800,000 Fijians to understand this translated poem. Fijian is the most important language of the Melanesian group.


The only witnesses that we know about the oldest art of Western Polynesia are the ceramics of the "Lapita" tradition. Its decorative motifs (Greek, spiral, etc.) are found today in Polynesia, whether sculpture, engraving or tattoos.

At the arrival of the Europeans, art in the Fiji Islands was less flourishing than in Eastern Polynesia. The statuary was undeveloped and only certain ritual or utilitarian objects were carefully decorated: the wooden war hammer, for example, and "tapa".

The Fiji Islands are anthropologically Melanesian; But their distant past and permanent contacts with the Samoa and Tonga Islands mean that artistic expressions are closely related to those of Western Polynesia. Varnished potteries are here very complex and unknown elsewhere in Oceania.

Archipelago of the southwest Pacific Ocean, the Fiji Islands form a collection of countless islands, islets, atolls, mostly of volcanic origin. The population consists mainly of native Fijians and Indians immigrants during British rule.

Poem translated into fijian (554 languages)