Egyptian love poem
صورتك فى المراية
اجمل قصايد شعرى
بسرعة حتختفى بس
دى اخر مرة بقولك فيها انى بحبك
Swrtk fa almrayh
Ajml qsayd sh'era
Bsr'eh htkhtfa bs
Da akhr mrh bqwlk fyha ana bhbk
→ French poem ←
Egyptian language
My short love poem in Egyptian (لهجة مصرية), the Arabic dialect with the largest number of speakers (80 million).
Because of the radiance of Egypt it is understood by people speaking Arabic varieties quite remote. This Egyptian poem is translated, into the Arabic dialect, the most taught, the others are Algerian, Moroccan, Tunisian, and Syro-Libano-Palestinian.
The Egyptian dialect (autonym : Masri, مَصرى), is based on Arabic with additions of Coptic, French, Turkish and English.
It is important to say that one of the specificities of the Arabic language, is it famous two-way words antonyms, antonymy, which according to Freud would be one of the facets of the functioning of the unconscious. Another specificity is that the written language is the classical language, the different dialects are only spoken.
If you are curious, go on my website to the area of rare languages, to see my translation into Egyptian Hieroglyphs.