Tarifit love poem
ⵜⴰⵙⵡⴰⵜⵀ ⵉⵏⴰⵎ ⴳⵓⵉ ⴷⵉⵙⵉⵜⵀ
ⵏⴰⵜⴰⵜⵀ ⴷⵉⵣⵔⴰⵏ ⵉⵏo ⵉⵙⴱ7ⴰⵏ
ⵎⴰⵙⵀⴰ, ⴼⵙoⵙ 9ⴰⴷⴰⴳⵀⵢⴰ ⵜⵡⴰⴷⴰ
ⵜⴰⵏⵏⵉ ⵜⴰⵎⴰⴳⴰⵡⵜⵉⵏo “ⵜⴰⴽⵀⵙⴰⴽⵀⵙⵀⴰⵎ”!
Taswath inam gui disith
Natath dizran ino isb7an
Masha, fsos 9adaghya twada
Tanni tamagawtino “takhsakhsham”!
→ French poem ←
The tarifit
The poem translated into in Tarifit (Riffian, Rif Berber, Ruafa, Ayt Tfarsit, Rifia, Ayt Settut, Tirifie, Icebdanen, Igzennaian, Riff, Ayt Ittef, Ayt Waryaghar, Ayt Buyahyi, Beni Iznassen, Beni Snassen, Igzennayen, Ayt Urishesh, Ayt Tamsaman, Ayt Saaid, Rifeño, Iqeraayen, Rif, Tamazight n Arrif, Rifi, Iznasen, Tarifiyt, Ayt Aamart, Northern Shilha, Tarifyt Berber, Arzeu, Iznacen, Ayt Tuzin, Shilha, Ayt Mezduy, Ibeqquyen, Tamazight, Rifain, Rifiya, Fifia, autonym: Tarifit, تاريفيت (Tarifit), ⵜⴰⵔⵉⴼⵉⵜ (Tarifit)).
The Amazigh dialect of the Rifans, the Berbers living in the Rif, in Morocco and Algeria was well worth a poem.
Tarifit language count 5 million speakers, 3 of them are in the North-East of Morocco, along the Mediterranean coast. There are also several Rif dialects (central, eastern, western) spoken by this Berber ethnic group from northern Morocco.
The poverty of the mountains that the Rifans inhabit means that a good number of them emigrate to Europe or the Oran region in Algeria.
Libyan alphabets
A bit of history: There are Libyan alphabets (Libycoberber) throughout North Africa, especially in Thugga (Dougga, Tunisia), the oldest text dating back to -138, but this writing has probably been used for more of 25 centuries. These alphabets, oriental and western, were probably those of the Massyles and Masaesyles kingdoms.
The Lybic, Lybico-Berber or Gouanche characters radiated widely from the central Sahara to the Sahel in the south, and in the west, to the Canary Islands. The most modern form is the tifinar (tifinagh), which is still in use today.
This very geometric writing which today is called tifinagh, was surely reserved for limited uses. In the Middle Ages, some Berber texts will be in Arabic characters. More recently there are also some texts written with the in Latin letters. If the Kabyles often use Latin letters, Morocco with the Royal Institute of Amazigh culture advocates tifinagh.
In Tuareg encampments, women enjoy high status, and writing and poetry are, in their hands and often their prerogative. Traced in silence in the hand of a friend, a word of love will run secretly to the desired man ... And near a well, a few words on a rock will indicate to travelers that here, two lovers meet were united, then separated. These are some forms and some uses for which only the tifinagh has the secret.