Aramaic love poem


צלמא דידיך באספקלריה

הוא שיר טב מכל שיריא דידי

דוק׃ אבד דמו דידיך

הדן ודויא אחרייא דידי׃ אנא חבב יתיך

Translated into Aramaic by Hayim Sheynin
Aramaic love poem

Imperial Aramaic alphabet


𐡑𐡋𐡌𐡀 𐡃𐡉𐡃𐡉𐡊 𐡁𐡀𐡎𐡐𐡒𐡋𐡓𐡉𐡄

𐡄𐡅𐡀 𐡔𐡉𐡓 𐡈𐡁 𐡌𐡊𐡋 𐡔𐡉𐡓𐡉𐡀 𐡃𐡉𐡃𐡉

𐡃𐡅𐡒׃ 𐡀𐡁𐡃 𐡃𐡌𐡅 𐡃𐡉𐡃𐡉𐡊

𐡄𐡃𐡍 𐡅𐡃𐡅𐡉𐡀 𐡀𐡇𐡓𐡉𐡉𐡀 𐡃𐡉𐡃𐡉׃ 𐡀𐡍𐡀 𐡇𐡁𐡁 𐡉𐡕𐡉𐡊

Here is the Imperial Aramaic alphabet, also called Egyptian Aramaic since it was found in Egypt.

Elymaic script


𐿱𐿫𐿬𐿠 𐿣𐿩𐿣𐿩𐿪 𐿡𐿠𐿮𐿰𐿲𐿫𐿳𐿩𐿤

𐿤𐿥𐿠 𐿴𐿩𐿳 𐿨𐿡 𐿬𐿪𐿫 𐿴𐿩𐿳𐿩𐿠 𐿣𐿩𐿣𐿩

𐿣𐿥𐿲׃ 𐿠𐿡𐿣 𐿣𐿬𐿥 𐿣𐿩𐿣𐿩𐿪

𐿤𐿣𐿭 𐿥𐿣𐿥𐿩𐿠 𐿠𐿧𐿳𐿩𐿩𐿠 𐿣𐿩𐿣𐿩׃ 𐿠𐿭𐿠 𐿧𐿡𐿡 𐿩𐿵𐿩𐿪

Conversion to Elymaic script
Above the Elymaic alphabet, which is a derivative of the Aramaic alphabet. It was used in -300 BC in the state of Elymais, in present-day Iran.

Hatran alphabet


𐣱𐣫𐣬𐣠 𐣣𐣩𐣣𐣩𐣪 𐣡𐣠𐣮𐣰𐣲𐣫𐣣𐣩𐣤

𐣤𐣥𐣠 𐣴𐣩𐣣 𐣨𐣡 𐣬𐣪𐣫 𐣴𐣩𐣣𐣩𐣠 𐣣𐣩𐣣𐣩

𐣣𐣥𐣲׃ 𐣠𐣡𐣣 𐣣𐣬𐣥 𐣣𐣩𐣣𐣩𐣪

𐣤𐣣𐣭 𐣥𐣣𐣥𐣩𐣠 𐣠𐣧𐣣𐣩𐣩𐣠 𐣣𐣩𐣣𐣩׃ 𐣠𐣭𐣠 𐣧𐣡𐣡 𐣩𐣵𐣩𐣪

Conversion to Hatran alphabet
The Hatran alphabet (Ashurian), was used to write the Aramaic of Hatra in northern Iraq from -100 BC. We have found numerous inscriptions in this writing, which like all those on this page, is also written from right to left.

Palmyrene alphabet


𐡲𐡫𐡬𐡠 𐡣𐡩𐡣𐡩𐡪 𐡡𐡠𐡯𐡱𐡳𐡫𐡴𐡩𐡤

𐡤𐡥𐡠 𐡵𐡩𐡴 𐡨𐡡 𐡬𐡪𐡫 𐡵𐡩𐡴𐡩𐡠 𐡣𐡩𐡣𐡩

𐡣𐡥𐡳׃ 𐡠𐡡𐡣 𐡣𐡬𐡥 𐡣𐡩𐡣𐡩𐡪

𐡤𐡣𐡭 𐡥𐡣𐡥𐡩𐡠 𐡠𐡧𐡴𐡩𐡩𐡠 𐡣𐡩𐡣𐡩׃ 𐡠𐡮𐡠 𐡧𐡡𐡡 𐡩𐡶𐡩𐡪

Conversion to Palmyrene alphabet
The Palmyrene alphabet was used to write the Aramaic dialect of the city of Palmyra from -100 BC to +300 AD.
Book of poetry "La Glace"
Original version
French poem

The Aramaic language

My little love poem translated into Aramaic (autonym : Arāmāyā, ארמיא), a language which, like Hebrew, belongs to the Afro-Asian Northwest Semitic group of languages of the Middle East. These two languages are or have been the main languages of the Jewish people.

The Aramaic name comes from the Syrian region which is its cradle, and it is a language attested since a thousand years BC, which is still spoken.

Aramaic, the language of the Assyrian Empire, will play a great prestige at the time of the splendor of this empire, and without replacing the other languages, it will be the language that will unify all the regions of the empire.

In the Assyrian empire in -600 Aramaic, widespread by merchants, Aramaic which can be described as ancient, becomes the common language to the detriment of Akkadian. It already has several dialects, of which we find written traces on stones.

It was Aramaic, and not Akkadian, that the Jews exiled to Babylon in -597 brought back on their return, 60 years later.

Then until -300, it becomes the language of the ancient East; standardized it becomes the lingua franca of a vast territory ranging from Egypt to India. The written testimonies of this period are numerous, they are tales, fables or texts imbued with philosophy, which come to us from different regions.

Then until +200, we will see the language separate into two dialectal zones (eastern and western (Arabia and Palestine with the Nabataean)).

The language is then very widespread in the first centuries (in Persia), and remains the language of the Persian empire, and the main language of the Near East for many centuries.

Later until +700, literatures will emerge in different dialects and writing systems: Samaritan, Judeo-Aramaic, Christian-Palestinian, Syriac, Babylonian, Nestorian, Mandean.

And it is from the year 700 that we begin to speak of modern Aramaic, the one that we still find today in some communities.

Today modern Aramaic is on the verge of extinction and has only 400,000 speakers, spread over a few dialect groups in Syria and Lebanon.

This language close relative to Phoenician and the Hebrew also has some similarities with Arabic. It is also characterized by a very rich vocabulary with many borrowings from Akkadian and Persian.

There are two main branches: Western Aramaic (Samaritan etc.), and Eastern Aramaic (Syriac etc., and modern Aramaic dialects).

Aramaic is one of the most ancient languages, among the languages spoken today, if we except Coptic reserved for worship.

After having used the Phoenician script for a long time, a proper Aramaic script will develop (-600).

One of the strengths of Aramaic was precisely its intelligent and innovative alphabetic writing system, which gave it advantages over Akkadian, which used cuneiform. This alphabetical writing gradually will be taken up by the majority of languages.

Aramaic was the language spoken in Jerusalem and Nazareth during the time of Christ.

Other NW semitic languages
Akkadian poem - Syriac poem
Poem translated into Aramaic (554 languages)