Palembang love poem
Rai awak di dalem kaco
Iyolah sanjak aku yang paling bagus
Tapi, cepet nian dio ilang
Itulah waktu pengabisan aku cinto samo awak
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The Musi
Love poem translated into Musi (alternatives : Palembangnese, Bebaso, Lematang Ilir, Sekayu, Meranjat, Palembang Lama, Baso Palembang, Burai, Coastal Malay, Musi Sekayu, Kelingi, Palembang, Penukal, Pegagan, Rawas Palembang, Penesak, Belide), a dialect of the old Malay influenced by the Javanese.
This lingua franca of southern Sumatra, as a result of its history, will be enriched by many languages: Arabic, Urdu, Persian, Chinese, Portuguese, English and Dutch.
It is spoken by 3 million people, in the capital of this region of Indonesia, Palembang! Musi, the other name sometimes given to this language, is also that of the river which crosses the city of Palembang.
We must separate the language in two: Baso Palembang Alus used in a framework of respect (leaders, elderly people, and in traditional ceremonies), and Baso Pelembang Sari-sari (everyday language).
The vocabulary of Baso Palembang Alus is close to the vocabulary of the Java language, shows the origin of this fine language of the ruling class of the different Javanese kingdoms who ruled the city.
For the everyday language, people, in general, mix Indonesian and Palembang. The choice of words, is an art form, it is done according to consistency and conditions.
The palembang is close to Jambi and Bengkulu, with mainly different intonations.
Palembang was the capital of the kingdom of Srivijaya, and at the end of the 12th century its importance diminished in favor of Jambi.
In the 14th century Palembang was a vassal city of the Javanese kingdom of Majapahit. It will then become the vassal of other kingdoms, and will be ruled in the 16th century by a new Javanese dynasty.
The city will become a sultanate and will be in turn taken over by Chinese pirates, by the Dutch and the English.