Buginese love poem


Wajowajomu ku cammingnge

Iyanaritu sajaku ye malebbie'e,

Tafi cinamppemi bawang nappa lenynye,

Yanae pappoji paccapurekku rilaleng tuoku.

Translated into Buginese by Mila
Buginese love poem

With the Lontara script


ᨓᨍᨚᨓᨍᨚᨆᨘ ᨀᨘ ᨌᨆᨛᨆᨗᨂᨛᨂᨛ

ᨕᨗᨐᨊᨑᨗᨈᨘ ᨔᨍᨀᨘ ᨐᨛ ᨆᨒᨛᨅᨛᨅᨗᨕᨛᨕᨛ,

ᨈᨄᨗ ᨌᨗᨊᨇᨆᨗ ᨅᨓᨂᨛ ᨊᨄ ᨒᨛᨎᨛᨎᨛ,

ᨐᨊᨕᨛ ᨄᨄᨍᨗ ᨄᨌᨛᨌᨄᨘᨑᨛᨀ ᨑᨗᨒᨒᨛᨂᨛ ᨈᨘᨕᨚᨀᨘ.

Book of poetry "La Glace"
Original version
French poem

Buginese language

My love poem in its Buginese version (alternatives : Bugis, Mare, De', Pangkep, Enna, Ugi, Pasangkayu, Barru, Sidrap, Pare-Pare, Palakka, Malangke-Ussu, Boeginezen, Tanete, Pinrang Utara, Bulukumba, Tompo, Alitta, Wara, Bua Ponrang, Pangkajene, Rappang Buginese, Sawitto, Dua Boccoe, Pinrang, Boegineesche, Sidenrang, Bone, Luwu', Camba, Wajo, Kessi, Bugi, Nepo, Ugi Riawa, Sinjai, Soppeng Riaja, Palattae, Luwu, Soppeng, autonym : Basa Ugi).

This Malayo-Polynesian language of the Indonesian group spoken in the south of Sulawesi (Celebes), in the districts of eastern Indonesia (Wajo, Sidrap, Bone, Soppeng, Pinrang, Barru, Sinjai and Parepare), serves as a language of relation in the region.

The Bahasa Bugi which is spoken in Celebes in South Sulawesi by 4 million people,is the most widely spoken language of the South Sulawesi group. In the towns, the Bugis are most often bilingual with Indonesian that they use as soon as they leave the family context.

Most of the authors list about ten dialects of this language. The differences between them are not very important and do not hinder mutual understanding.

Buginese has its own script, the Lontara or Bugis script, an abugida with 23 consonants, a magnificent Brahmic script, traditionally used with the Sulawesi languages such as Bugis, Mandar and Makassar.

The word Lontara comes from Malay which means palm tree, leaves on which this language was written. Today and since the Dutch period, the lontara is largely replaced by the Latin script, when writings do not refer to the tradition.

Do a search to see what it looks like. Perhaps someday someone will send me this translation in this pretty alphasyllabary.

The Bugi

The Bugi (Bugis) represent the largest ethnic group for the number, in the north of Sulawesi. They are famous to have during long time wrote their language on palm leaves.

It is believed that at the origin, Bugis were Toradjas people, a tribe that would have split into several groups of warriors, each one controlling a kingdom (Makassars tin Goa, and Bugi in Boni).

The Bugis (Bugi) have a social system which marks real differences, according to social status, age and sex, but if they have preserved their rites and traditions, these still tend to fade!

Malayo-Polynesian in Indonesia
Balinese - Acehnese - Madurese - Javanese - Sundanese - Sasak
Poem translated into buginese (554 languages)