Whistled love poem
French poem whistled (CNRS)
Linguist and bioacoustician (CNRS) Fascinante parole sifflée!
Of the three versions whistled, I give my preference to this one.
I do not want, in any way, to compare these three versions,
but this one, returns the original French reflection of my poem.
→ French poem ←
Whistle Her
This is certainly the first love poem in the world, in it original version (french) to be whistled! This is a great first time! Tree versions have been whistled, the French original, the Spanish and the Occitan translation.
I thought that even if originally my poem is visual, the way followed with all these translations, took it to other countries ... so why not in a whistled language ... To whistle for her ... without knowing if to "translate" her in a whistled language would be possible ... I realize now that it is.
In the Alpes and Pyrenees, In Eubee or Antia, and certainly in Brittany, echo of mountains has the virtue of mirror reflections, and whatever the way which bring and send back the words ... light or sound waves ... her silhouette appears ...
Perhaps I still have to find the language of drums and smoke signals ... As for babies (Baby talk,) birds, dolphins, whales or cats, it is also a sweet dream that I think about.. so let's dream a little! .. Love is always a reality that we dream ... a dream that we caress!
More than any other interpretation I would like that the four little verses at the origin of all of this, do not take second place, because it is them, born from the oldest feelings, which are at the genesis of all on this website.
Whistled language, when, where and why
We have from ancient times evidence concerning the whistled languages (Herodotus). In fact, men have always used whistling to communicate, when it became obvious because of the environment (mountains, forests). To whistle allows to communicate over much greater distances than shouting words.
There are still places in the world where we can meet whistlers, places where people try to preserve this wealth. The nearest are in the Pyrenees in Aas, where whistling is even taught in schools, in the Canaries on la Gomera island where it is called Silbo, in Greece on the Euboea island in Antia, in Turkey.
In fact whistled languages are practiced everywhere: Amazonia, Papua, Siberia, China, Atlas etc.
Whistling gives the possibility to be heard over a much greater distance than language in its common sense can do; also people from many groups around the world, who live in isolated places, most often mountains, or thick forests, use the whistle to communicate between them.
Whistling unlike the voice allows a sound to be propagated up to 14km, we count 40m by speaking as loud as possible, and 200m by shouting. Certain predators, in their own way, use a kind of sound signal, of course not a lot constructed, to signal to others, over great distances, the presence of prey.
Whistled language, if it seems incomprehensible to someone who is foreign to it, is in fact based on the same sounds that classical speech naturally modulates. It develops naturally from speech, when the latter must be carried over a significant distance.
We could whistle any language, even if the researchers show differences in the way of whistling that we can observe, because there is a form of "calibration", of "transcoding", between the language and its translation. in whistled language. You will surely detect them in these three whistled versions that I present to you.
The acoustic frequency also adapts itself to the places in which one whistles, the objective being to be heard over a great distance, certain frequencies are better adapted to a mountainous geography and others to very dense forests. Likewise, the greater the distance between the transmitter and the receiver, and of course, the more the signal is stretched in time and the shorter the message must be.